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Is Mobile Banking Safe?

Is Mobile Banking Safe?

We are living more and more of our lives online every day. At the same time, we’re conducting much of our online activity on our mobile devices. Banking is certainly following this trend. In the US, more than 70 percent of people do at least some of their banking online. More than half of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices, and traffic to financial institutions isn’t far behind.

The general consensus is that while the risk is low when it comes to banking, security does depend to some extent on consumers—many of whom don’t do what they should be doing to keep their phones safe from attack. As a result, experts say, banks could do a better job educating consumers about cybersecurity issues. The Wall Street Journal invited three experts to discuss these issues: Joseph Carrigan, a senior security engineer at Johns Hopkins University; Emmett Higdon, director of digital banking at Javelin Strategy & Research, a subsidiary of Greenwich Associates; and Peter Wannemacher, a digital banking analyst at consulting firm Forrester Research.

Is Mobile Banking Safe? Of course, things that are popular aren’t always safe. The shift toward online and mobile banking is driven mostly by its convenience. Plenty of people just embrace the change without considering the trade-offs. Many customers take the security of their finances for granted without looking into it. In this article, we will examine the potential risks involved in mobile banking and explain what you need to do to ensure a secure mobile banking experience.

How to Stay Safe with Mobile Banking

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