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Handcrafted services provide to every unique experience.

Kai & Co. Salon LLC
Handcrafted services provide to every unique experience.

We love to treat you like a Queen and a King!

The Kai and Co Salon is located right in the heart of Key West. It is one of the most visited Salons in Key West FL. Our teams of professionals are well talented and provide service to the client in every way possible in the highest quality. Haircuts in Key West are handle and able to dedicate their time to the client in such a manner that the client can reach her/his ultimate beauty and self-esteem. Everything we use in our salon is all ethically made that are good for your body and the planet. Even the workers are paid fair wages and work in safe environments and conditions.

High-quality Hair Care for Every Texture: You’re Ultimate Beauty Experience

At Kai and Co Salon, you are welcomed to live the ultimate hair and scalp experience. To extend the benefits, our expert hairdresser in Key West will recommend the appropriate featuring the highest quality hair and scalp care products. The Kaiandcosalon.com website is remarkably unique created out to provide independent hairdressers and a platform to share their artistry. We are innovators, entrepreneurs, and the future. Our talented rosters of Hairdressers in Key West are masters of their own craft and have a unique point of view, and satisfy a specific need within the hairdressing community.

Conclusion: Your vision comes to life smoothly.

Each one have a part of their day where they can laugh, wind down, and feel a little lighter. We want our customers to feel at home here. So, please come in, and enjoy our services. Visit our salon in KEY WEST, FL and get an experience of the luxury treatment to discover your unique hair transformation. Call us on 305-998-4449 for an appointment with one of our best Haircuts in Key West or simply walk in for quick service. Walk-ins are always welcome! 



Kai & Co. Salon LLC
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