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IFB refrigerator service Centre in Hyderabad

IFB refrigerator service Centre in Hyderabad

Refrigerators are the most usable and important appliance in our home. Refrigerators are an essential food storage technique all over the world. The main use of refrigerators in our homes is to reduce bacteria on the food and to preserve it for more time Home appliances service centers. The lower temperature lowers the reproduction rate of bacteria, so the refrigerator reduces the rate of spoilage.


A refrigerator maintains a temperature a few degrees above the freezing point of water. Refrigerators serve us in many ways. Whirlpool TV Service Center in Hyderabad It is very much useful for cooling the food items that we need and also preserving the food. Here we are also to help you repair your refrigerator from repair. Helpline Service center ASN Techno Service Center, we provide quality repair service to your refrigerator. Any kind of problem in your refrigerator is quickly solved by our experienced technicians. Call us: 9390110364, 8106660022.

 Amberpet, 500014, Telangana, Hyderabad. INDIA  PIN CODE 

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