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How to Create a Customer Group in QuickBooks desktop?

Devin Smith
How to Create a Customer Group in QuickBooks desktop?

Are you looking for the process to create a customer group in QuickBooks desktop? If yes, then your search ends over here, as in this post, we will provide you with the steps involved in creating a customer group in QuickBooks desktop. QuickBooks permits the user to create groups of customers that match certain criteria for things like location, customer type, or the customer’s status. Moreover, the user can create automated statements, send payment reminders, or create mailing lists for specific groups of customers.

One can stick around the post to know more about the process of creating a customer group in QuickBooks desktop. Or can also discuss the same with our team of professionals at 1-844-405-0906.

Steps for creating a customer group in QuickBooks desktop

The user can carry out the below steps and try to resolve the issue:

  • At first, the user needs to move to the lists menu and then select manage groups
  • After that select the create customer group
  • Followed by adding a name and description for the group and then hit next
  • The next step is to select field, operator, values to define the group and also click on add
  • After that, the user needs to click on next or the user can leave the fields blank and select next to manually add customers
  • Now, select the selected fields to see a summary of the fields that will be used for the customer group
  • In case the user needs to add customers to the group, the it is recommended to spot by the customers name. In order to delete a customer from the group, the user needs to clear the checkbox next to their name
  • If the user doesn’t want the group to automatically update, then the user needs to clear the checkbox for automatically add or remove based on fields selected in this group
  • The last step is to choose finish tab


Steps involved in emailing customer groups

  • Under this, the user needs to move to the lists menu and also select manage groups
  • After that, select the customer group to the email
  • Followed by selecting actions and select email tab
  • The next step is to select customers to email and then add a subject line and message
  • The last step is to choose send tab


The steps discussed above in this post is expected to create a customer group in QuickBooks desktop successfully. However, if the user is unable to create a customer group for some reason, or if the user is having any query regarding the same, then getting in touch with our professionals is recommended. Give us a call at 1-844-405-0906, and our QuickBooks desktop support team will be there to assist you.


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Devin Smith
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