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5 Memorable Firsts International Students Will Surely Experience

5 Memorable Firsts International Students Will Surely Experience

Firsts are always special, as they say. That is why a child’s first words will always be special to its parents, a first job will always be special to a new graduate, and a first kiss will always be special to a couple.

Firsts are always special, as they say. That is why a child’s first words will always be special to its parents, a first job will always be special to a new graduate, and a first kiss will always be special to a couple. 

Thanks to international education, students can also experience several firsts that they are not likely to forget. They may have already gained many firsts from the application process alone, but once they set foot in their new city, they’re surely in for more. 

Listed below are some of the memorable firsts that students experience when studying abroad.


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