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The best Bitcoin and crypto news

stark mike
The best Bitcoin and crypto news

The best Bitcoin and crypto news

Are you new to the world of crypto and interested in knowing which are the best Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news websites? In this article you will find the best digital portals oriented to inform about the most outstanding news and developments of the Blockchain Industry.

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The Blockchain industry is now a continuous source of information
There are many websites which are dedicated to publishing news financed by advertising. Each web portal is generally specialized in a specific type of news such as politics, finance and sports. The Blockchain industry is already large enough that web portals have focused their resources on publishing news related to the blockchain industry and cryptocurrencies.

What are the types of news that exist in the Blockchain industry?
In general, portals related to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news classify their editorial as follows:

NOTE : The terms used below are somewhat semantic. The important thing to keep in mind is the different styles of exchange and not the exact words used to describe them.

Bitcoin: with all the news related to the main cryptocurrency, such as price analysis and monitoring .

Ethereum: Like Bitcoin (BTC), the Ethereum network generates constant news in relation to its digital currency (ETH) to its future updates and the comments made by its co-founder Vitalik Buterin .

Altcoins: news related to other currencies and tokens such as Zcash (ZEC), Monero (XMR), Ripple (XRP) among others.

Blockchain: news related to the use of cryptocurrency technology in other projects such as the Lightning Network of Satoshi Labs and Hyperledger of the Linux Foundation (The Linux Foundation)

Mining: new products in ASICs and RIGs, new mining farms and mining pools are also a constant source of news.

Scams: Probably the type of news that many users have their eye on, as the industry has been negatively affected by attacks on crypto exchanges and ICOs that turns out to be a scam.

Regulations: surely the most important, since governments and central financial institutions have paid special attention to cryptocurrencies, since they function as forms of payment without there being a urine verification of the funds. In many countries, the use of cryptocurrencies for trade and financing has been regulated and even prohibited.

Adoption: of the best news that experts always expect, since it has to do with the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. The visionaries of this technology work according to which all transactions carried out are transparent, immutable and of universal access for any user.

ICOs: are the news from the Initial Coin Offering, better known in English as Initial Coin Offering.(Breaking Crypto News)

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