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North American nuclear medicine market Worth USD 2.7 billion by 2024 (At a CAGR of 4.1%)

Ritika Tyagi
North American nuclear medicine market Worth USD 2.7 billion by 2024 (At a CAGR of 4.1%)

Exhaustive secondary research was done to collect information on the market and its different subsegments. The next step was to validate these findings, assumptions, and sizing with industry experts across the value chain through primary research. Both top-down and bottom-up approaches were employed to estimate the complete market size. The study involved four major activities in estimating the current size for the North American nuclear medicine market.

Key Factors Driving Market Growth:

Growth in the market can primarily be attributed to factors such as the increasing incidence and prevalence of cancer & cardiac ailments and initiatives to lessen the demand-supply gap of Mo-99. However, the short half-life of radiopharmaceuticals reduces their potential adoption, while hospital budget cuts and high equipment prices are expected to limit market growth to a certain extent.

Revenue Growth Analysis:

The North American nuclear medicine market is expected to reach USD 2.7 billion by 2024 from an estimated USD 2.2 billion in 2019, growing at a CAGR of 4.1% during the forecast period.

Don’t miss out on business opportunities in North American nuclear medicine market

The North American nuclear medicine market comprises several stakeholders, such as preferred suppliers and distributors, healthcare institutions (hospitals, medical schools, group practices, individual surgeons, and governing bodies), medical device vendors/service providers, research institutes, and research and consulting firms. Various primary sources from both the supply and demand sides of the market were interviewed to obtain qualitative and quantitative information. Mentioned below is the breakdown of primary respondents:

Based on procedural volume assessment, the market is segmented into SPECT, PET, and therapeutic procedures. The PET procedural volume segment by type is further segmented into F-18, Ru-82, and other PET Isotopes. The F-18 segment is expected to account for the largest share of the PET procedural volume assessment in 2019. The large share of this segment can be attributed to the increasing use of F-18 in diagnostic PET applications.

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The alpha emitters segment is expected to command the largest share of the therapeutic nuclear medicine market in 2019

Based on type, the market is categorized into diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. The therapeutic nuclear medicine segment is further segmented into alpha emitters, beta emitters, and brachytherapy isotopes. In 2013, the FDA approved the first and only product for alpha emitters in the market, launched by Bayer AG under the name Xofigo (a Ra-223 dichloride molecule). The North American market for Ra-223 is expected to command the largest share owing to its targeted properties over beta emitters and being the only alpha-emitter product available in the market.

Thyroid application segment is expected to register the highest growth during the forecast period

Based on application, the North American nuclear medicine market is segmented into SPECT, PET, and therapeutic applications. The SPECT applications segment is further segmented into cardiology, bone scans, thyroid applications, pulmonary scans, and other SPECT applications. The thyroid applications segment is projected to register the highest growth rate in the forecast period. The high growth of this segment can be attributed to the increasing incidence and prevalence of thyroid disorders.

The US accounted for the largest share of the nuclear medicine market in 2018

Geographically, the North American market comprises of US and Canada. In 2018, the US accounted for the largest share of the nuclear medicine market. The large share can be attributed to the development of novel technologies for radioisotope production, government funding, and company initiatives in the country.

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Key Market Players

Cardinal Health (US), GE Healthcare (US), Curium (France), Lantheus Medical Imaging (US), Bayer AG (Germany), Bracco Imaging (Italy), Eczacýbaþý-Monrol Nuclear Products (Turkey), Nordion (Canada), Advanced Accelerator Applications (France), and NTP Radioisotopes (South Africa).

Ritika Tyagi
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