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DVT Interesting facts

North Atlanta Vascular Clinic & Vein Center
DVT Interesting facts

What is a DVT?

A DVT is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in your body. It can develop in any of your veins, but most commonly occurs in the legs. You may experience leg pain or swelling with a DVT, but in many cases, there are no symptoms.

You may be at risk of developing a DVT if you sit for a prolonged period of time, as is the case when you take a long flight on an airplane. You may also be at risk if you’re overweight or obese, have a blood clotting disorder, smoke cigarettes, or’re over the age of 60.

If you are suffering from deep vein thrombosis and looking for an expert vascular surgeon in Johns Creek, you may get in touch with North Atlanta Vascular Clinic and Vein Center. 



North Atlanta Vascular Clinic & Vein Center
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