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Which Hair Treatment is Best for Textured Hair?

Dr. John Kahen
Which Hair Treatment is Best for Textured Hair?

Hair loss doesn’t choose, and it is a normal condition that can affect any aged person. In this post, we will look at the various causes of hair loss in textured hair and the kind of hair loss treatment that should be administered. 

All races: Caucasian, Asian, and African-Caribbean, can suffer from hair any kind of hair loss. However, black patients are more susceptible to certain conditions than other races.

What Makes Afro-textured Hair Different? 

A human hair is made up of protein and other layers like the medulla, cortex, and cuticle. In textured hair, however, there are significant curls below and above the scalp skin. Another difference is that textured hair is elliptical-shaped compared to other hair types that are usually oval. Afro-textured hair is also less dense in the scalp than in other scalps. 

Types of Hair Loss Experienced in Textured Hair 

African-Caribbean men are four times less likely to suffer from hair loss compared to Caucasian men. However, the most prevalent hair loss condition in black men is male pattern baldness. In women, the type of hair loss they suffer from is often misdiagnosed. A woman of African descent may be suffering from female pattern hair loss or FPHL, but many will mistake it for central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia. CCCA is an inflammatory scarring alopecia. 

This hair loss condition starts from the mid-scalp and spreads outwards. In women, another type of hair loss that is caused by braiding and tight hairstyles is called traction alopecia (TA). This type of hair thinning is also often misdiagnosed. Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is another form of hair loss in women. It is an immune-mediated, scarring hair loss condition. Hair will start thinning from the hair margin in the front scalp. 

TA and FPHL can be treated using surgical hair restoration. However, surgical hair treatments can’t work for persons suffering from CCCA, FFA and LPP, because these hair losses are caused by inflammations that will still attack the transplanted hair. Before opting for any hair restoration procedure, a biopsy should be done to confirm whether inflammation caused the hair loss. 

Which Hair Transplant Procedure is used to Restore Textured Hair? 

Hair restoration in textured hair is carried out just like in other types of hairs. The two thick hair transplant procedures used are FUE and FUT. In follicular unit transplantation, a strip of skin from the scalp is cut from the sides of the head or the back scalp. The graft hair is then transplanted to the area that is suffering from balding. 

In the FUE hair transplant procedure, the surgeon uses a punch device to extract individual hair follicles and transfers them to the recipient area. The punching device can either be manual punches, motorized drills, or robotic. Once the follicular units are removed, they will leave tiny holes. 

Several adjustments need to be done first for this procedure to be effective on textured hair. To reduce the transaction of hair follicles, a larger diameter punch in FUE hair transplant is used. A larger diameter punch is needed to prevent cross-sectional cuts of hair since textured hair follicles are curlier. 

Using a larger diameter punch is that it leaves larger diameter wounds, leading to longer recovery time and a high risk of scar hypertrophy. While using the strip FUT method, extreme care should be observed to avoid transecting curled hair beneath the surface. Both the strip FUT method and the FUE hair transplant technique require larger recipient areas to allow larger diameter follicular units to fit in. If the patient prefers shorter hairstyles, the transplant procedure will have to be done again to make the hair denser. The doctor also needs to discuss with the patient where the hairline should be. 


The goodness of opting for a hair transplant procedure is that it offers a permanent solution to hair loss problems. However, you first need to know whether you are eligible for the procedure. It advisable that you talk to your doctor first before deciding to get a thick hair transplant procedure.

Dr. John Kahen
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