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Videocon Service Centre in Ludhiana

Videocon Service Centre in Ludhiana

Television is the appliance which is mainly used in all the homes. Television is used for entertainment purposes. Television is the main and the common appliance which is mainly used for domestic use purposes. There are many types of televisions like LCD ( liquid display ), direct view television, QLED ( Quantum diode ), OLED ( organic light-emitting ), DLP ( digital light processing ), and plasma display panels.  Home appliances service center We will provide you best service which will definitely give you best results without any further issues and the issues of the television will be solved within one interaction. If there are any issues with the televisions spare parts then our technicians will inform you immediately at that time and we will charge separately for the spare parts. We will also give 90 days of warranty for spare parts. We will also give 30 days of warranty for general services. Our technicians have highly organized time management skills.

contact us : 1806660022 , 18008918106

Ludhiana Punjab pin code 141020  INDIA

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