Whatever be your business process, investing in new technology is essential to ensure efficiency, compete effectively with your competitors, enhance user experience, and consequently land on more profits. The role of networking professionals has evolved so much today that they can play a definite role in the growth and development of your business. While you need to choose the best network cabling company for updating your computer infrastructure and networking quality, you need to consider the following new trends in networking so that you land on the best that is available today.
5G and Wi-Fi 6
Wireless technology, specifically Wi-Fi 6 and 5G is fast proliferating among the users. Also, how people use networks has significantly changed today. It has become easy for businesses to join participating networks. Switching to the latest upgrades in this domain can help ensure a seamless customer experience and continuous connectivity when they have to move between wireless technology and LTE. What is called as millimeter wave is a new rollout in the new frequency bands that assures access to Citizens Broadband Radio Services, and short range 5G. It is also possible that a significant chunk of 5G traffic is routed to Wi-Fi networks till 5G catches up with the rising demand.
SD-WAN evolution
A large number of companies are feeling the dire need for secure access to cloud applications. The growth of multi-cloud networking and dispersal of connectivity will compel a lot of businesses to opt for SD-WAN technology. AnandOswal, senior vice president of engineering in Cisco’s Enterprise Networking Business says, “SD-WAN technology is going to lead to a growth in business for managed service providers (MSPs), many more of which will begin to offer SD-WAN as a service.” He also adds, “We expect MSPs to grow at about double the rate of the SD-WAN market itself, and expect that MSPs will begin to hyper-specialize, by industry and network size.”
Comprehensive multi-domain networks
Given the advancements in the DNA centers and applications centric infrastructure, multi-domain integration has become easier than ever now. This makes it possible for customers to set their own policies to ensure uniform access controls to the users, applications and devices irrespective of how and from where they connect to the network. DNA center today features advanced automation capabilities policy-based segmentation, assurance setting and fabric provisioning that can immensely advance the interests of enterprise networks. Oswal says, “For better management, agility, and especially for security, these multiple domains need to work together. Each domain’s controller needs to work in a coordinated manner to enable automation, analytics and security across the various domains.”
The concept of intent based networking model is fast catching up among the enterprise users and the networking technologies that are fast evolving around us are supporting these initiatives. Computer networking is now being applied in wider sense than for speeding up and data sharing. To land on the best advantages of the developments around us in the networking domain, you must really do the homework to find the best network cabling company that has the necessary technology, strategies and domain knowledge.
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