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Interior Design Caffe

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Interior Design Caffe

Design and concept cannot be separated, especially when it comes to the interior of a cafe and coffee shop. A cafe and coffee shop usually has a unique concept and design. For those of you who may still be confused about choosing a concept and design for your cafe and coffee shop, we will provide some tips for you.

Cafe and coffee shop designs are very important to attract customers and indirectly persuade them to come back again. So it is important to determine the appropriate concept and design.
A good concept and design will make your customers reluctant to switch to another cafe. For an interesting concept and design, you can try a classic cafe design that is distinctive with vintage items.
Because in the midst of today's modern technology, unique and classic items actually have their own charm. You can place some antiques such as ancient telephones, paintings, and other antiques.
For those of you who want a simple cafe design, you can also make a design that accentuates the walls. So on the walls in cafes and coffee shops you can be given a touch of mural or given a wallpaper. Besides that, by accentuating the design on the wall, it can also be a nice spot for taking pictures.
What is no less important about choosing a design and concept is that you must adjust it to your target audience or target audience. If the marketing target of your cafe and coffee shop is young people then design
Simple minimalist cafe but complete with wifi and electric plugs is sufficient. Wifi will also be useful for your visitors who are mostly students, students, or workers who take the time to come to the cafe while studying or doing assignments.

Sometimes several people before entering a coffee shop, cafe, and coffee shop will first judge from the outside whether it looks comfortable or not.
The comfort factor is different for everyone, but usually the most common is cleanliness. A clean and tidy cafe and coffee shop will create a comfortable feeling. It doesn't matter the size of your coffee shop, cleanliness is our priority.
Then for the area of the room, don't worry if the area of your coffee shop is not enough. You can outsmart by painting the walls in the room white and installing a large mirror at several points.
These tricks can make a narrow room seem wider. And don't put too many details on the walls of the room.

Maybe you rarely find a cafe or coffee shop where the seats are on the other side. But precisely with this, you can make a new breakthrough in your cafe by creating a relaxed coffee atmosphere with lesehan seating.
There is no harm in it, right? You only need to add a small pillow as a seat for visitors. Apart from being easier, with the lesehan theme it can be suitable for cheap but competitive cafe designs.
The most important thing is the taste and quality of each menu that you serve. If your menu has good quality and taste, it will indirectly make a suggestion to your visitors to come back and try another menu.
Besides the lesehan concept, you can also create a simple outdoor cafe concept if you do have land outside the cafe. Just need to add a few tables and chairs and chandeliers to add a nice atmosphere at night.

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