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IGCSE Tutor | IGCSE Tutors | Baccalaureate Classes

Baccalaureate Classes
IGCSE Tutor | IGCSE Tutors | Baccalaureate Classes

Our IGCSE tutors have helped hundreds of students to succeed with colourful grades in their academics over the previous few years. An IGCSE tutor at our academy nor only covers the academic syllabus but also trains the students like a professional problem solver. Our success rate is very high because our IGCSE tutor helps students to score good grades in their internal and final exams. After joining our IGCSE tutoring program the student’s success is guaranteed, all is expected is the hard work and interest of the students. They need not have to worry about the on-time completion of the syllabus which is a common failure of the many tutors. All the syllabus is covered in a planned and organized manner by our IGCSE tutors. On-time completion of the syllabus gives more time for students for their revision and preparation for the exams. They are taught and trained by our IGCSE tutors in such a way that they are ready to face any kind of question with confidence.

The IGCSE program is offered by the University of Cambridge and the subjects are Art and Design, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Combined Science, Coordinated Science, English Language, English Literature, Geography, German, History, Mathematics, Physics, and Spanish. Students have the freedom to choose the subjects of their choice. Students pursuing the IGCSE program need an IGCSE tutor for their academic support, this is due to the fact that not all the students are fast learners and some students want to explore deep in the subjects. To fulfill all these needs of the students an IGCSE tutor is required for continuous support. Parents are also concerned about the grades of their children making them hire an IGCSE tutor.

Need of an IGCSE Tutor

With the increase in the popularity of the IGCSE programs, the demand for the IGCSE tutor is also rising. To address the demand for rising IGCSE tutors we have a team of well-qualified and experienced IGCSE tutors on our learning platform. We started our journey a few years back, from then our IGCSE tutors are continuously helping students to fulfill their dream of scoring high grades in their academics which is a globally recognized qualification along with making their parents proud. The IGCSE certificate makes the students feel different compared to the other qualifications.

IGCSE Tutors at Baccalaureate Classes

At Baccalaureate Classes, we have IGCSE tutors at for all the subjects offered in the IGCSE curriculums. Every IGCSE tutor is an expert in their respective subject, some are scholars while some are the research holders. They are also additionally trained to understand the student’s psychology and co-ordinate along with the parents to completely fulfill the requirement of the student. All our well qualified IGCSE tutors have an average IB score of 40. As earlier said all our IGCSE tutors undergo rigorous training after their recruitment in order to deliver the lecture in an efficient manner. Once the parents and students are satisfied with the demo session and the student is willing to learn from our IGCSE tutors the students will undergo a counseling session with the IGCSE tutor so that the strengths and weaknesses of the student are identified, and classes are taken as per the student’s convenience. The whole requirement is noted by the tutor and sessions are carried out considering that. The assigned IGCSE tutor will give a draft of the syllabus along with the timetable so that the student gets a clear idea and be mentally prepared. Assessment tests are carried out after the end of each chapter and assignments are also given to make students involved in the study. Our IGCSE tutors follow the strict guidelines given by our experts and inputs from the parents.

Most of our IGCSE tutors are always available to clear the doubts of any students facing problems in the subject. Students are free to clear doubts any number of times. Study materials prepared by our IGCSE tutors are also provided to the students. The study material consists of an explanation of important concepts and challenging questions to enhance the student’s skills. Probable important questions that may appear in the final exams are also highlighted. Model question papers along with the question banks are also provided for their revision.

IGCSE Tutoring (One to One)

A dedicated IGCSE tutor will be assigned for one-to-one learning where a student will get the freedom of learning as per his/her convenience. Students who are deep learners and research-oriented feel more comfortable with one-to-one learning. They get an opportunity to exclusively learn from the leading IGCSE tutors. They also get special attention and guidance for their preparation. Are you a student with a unique learning style and wish to learn and explore at your own pace? then one-to-one learning is the option for you. Also, the parents who expect special attention to their child can opt for this.

Benefits of an IGCSE Tutor

Join the community of great learners and tutors and think like an expert. Our each IGCSE tutor is trained professionals and experts in their respective subjects. From the last five years, our IGCSE tutors have helped hundreds of students to score good grades in their final and internal exams because they were trained to think like an expert. All this was possible because due to the strict implementation of our tutoring program. When a student grows in a community of experts, he or she will definitely begin to think like an expert. So, it is necessary to put the student at the right place at right time.

At our tutoring program taught by our IGCSE tutors, students will get plenty of opportunities for their self-development in the studies. They will be learning along with their fellow students from different regions and attending classes from the best and experienced IGCSE tutors. Our tutoring program is best in class, student-friendly with flexible learning methods. In fact, it’s more than a tutoring session, a class with interactive sessions that mainly focuses on the complete fulfillment of the student’s requirements for studies. So, your search for the best IGCSE tutors ends at Baccalaureate Classes, you are at the perfect place.

Baccalaureate Classes
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