AI Products 

Readymade Restaurant website Theme

Readymade Restaurant website Theme

Check out our latest  software script of Readymade Restaurant website Theme that extremely suits your business module, our script is constructed with full functionalities as edifice style with colourful styles.

Readymade web site Theme allows to food ordering system that helps in will increase business in a very financial manner. Our script is extraordinarily customizable in such the way that making and modifying menu builds of non-restaurant with straightforward structure.


Optimize your payment.

Streamline your shopping for method and record expenses as they occur. choose the provider, transfer invoices, and add things purchased to mechanically calculate totals. Keep track of monthly prices, most well-liked suppliers, and even rate contracts for normal monthly provides..

Deliver orders quicker.

Your employees will track and update the standing of every order as opened, served, billed, or closed with the clicking of a button. Delivery and room employees will fulfill orders quicker while not having to run between the rear and front of the house.

Manage your restaurant from home.

Any application designed  here is instantly accessible on any device or platform. even though you’re not within the eating house, you'll monitor sales, update purchase orders, and track inventory in time period from the palm of your hand.

Advance features:

Ranks with Achievements

Custom quantity

Multi-level selling

Performance Bonuses

Banners Management

PayPal Payout

Readymade Restaurant website Theme


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