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How to choose a good piano teacher?

steve mike
How to choose a good piano teacher?

How to choose a good piano teacher singapore?

Few people ask this question, however, it is essential if one wants to obtain good results, a bad teacher choice can be the difference between learning or not learning. I want to offer you some tips to keep in mind when you need to choose a teacher.

What is the music I want to learn?

Defining this question is the most important because the piano is a versatile instrument and encompasses many styles of performance, therefore each pianist gets a question.

different motion depending on the type of music you play. If you want to learn Jazz and the piano teacher is a specialist in classical music, it will not help you, except if you want to perfect specific technical aspects that can be solved through classical training, however sooner or later you will have to seek the advice of a teacher Jazz specialist to teach you what you want to learn.

Level of Experience

Make sure that the teacher's level of experience is right for you, you have every right to ask him about the teachers with whom he studied, how many years he has been teaching, what methodologies he works with, etc. Your answer must be convincing.

Know your previous results

Take a look at the results that his older students have obtained, if the results meet your expectations, the level of piano culture of his students.

Professional responsibility

Recognize this important quality by observing if he is a punctual person, if he presents his pedagogical material on time, if he notifies you in advance of any class change, if the content of the classes are consistent with your objectives.

Price-quality ratio

Not all piano teachers charge the same, there are some cheaper than others, make sure that the price of the class is according to the level of experience that the teacher has, this is achieved through comparison with other similar teachers. That is why it is necessary to quote with at least 5 piano teachers in order to get a clearer idea.

To end this article I want to tell you that it is important that you keep these points in mind so that you do not waste money or time, remember that cheap is often expensive.

steve mike
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