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MS Trust - 'Promise Today, Change Tomorrow' Campaign

Fergusson Law
MS Trust - 'Promise Today, Change Tomorrow' Campaign

Until the end of March 2021, Fergusson Law is delighted to be supporting the Multiple Sclerosis Trust's 'Promise today, change tomorrow' campaign.

Unfortunately, 130 people are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis every week in the UK. An MS diagnosis can be devastating, for people with MS and their loved ones.  The MS Trust fights to make sure everyone affected by MS can access good quality, specialist care and live the best life they possibly can.

Free Will Writing Service

Until the end of March 2021, Fergusson Law in Edinburgh will be offering their time for free to write a basic Will or a pair of basic mirror Wills, in return for a contribution to UK charity, the Multiple Sclerosis Trust.

A promise from you today could change tomorrow for someone living with MS. For more information, please visit www.mstrust.org.uk/promise-today


Fergusson Law
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