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Transform Your Business Sign with Custom Neon Lights

Neon Poodle
Transform Your Business Sign with Custom Neon Lights

Neon signs are considered as the most effective marketing tool. Whether used in business and marketing or as a home décor element, neon lights continue to awe and delight customers. Business custom neon lights provide an attractive way to communicate with local community members and draw them into your business as potential clients.

Also, business signs do more than communicate with passersby. Custom Neon Lights are popular among consumers due to their ability to stand out and make a statement. Unlike other lights, such as LED signs, which are directional light sources, neon lights provide 360-degree illumination.

As such, you can see them from a sizeable distance. The distance at which your neon sign will be visible will vary depending on the size of the sign. In general, however, for each inch of letter height, your customised neon light will be visible over 30 feet away. Larger signs may even be visible at over 100 feet away. One of the main benefits of using neon signs is they are customisable.

One can build a neon sign by using fire to hand-bend glass tubes, which can then be shaped into almost any design. Professional glass benders can mold customised neon signs into a wide range of designs to help fit the image and aesthetic of any business. Personalised neon lights are also available in several colours, each as vibrant and eye-catching as the next.  Unlike other lighting choices which are mass-produced and allow for little customisation, every neon sign is personalised for each customer. Custom Neon Lights offer you more design freedom.

In recent years, the utilisation of energy-efficient products has steadily increased in importance. Since neon is one of the more abundant chemical elements on earth, the amount of energy needed to operate neon signs is relatively low.

Unlike other lights, neon lights have no filament, enabling them to waste little electricity and remain cool to the touch. Neon lights can use nearly 50% less energy than other lights. Therefore, the improved efficiency of these neon signs can greatly reduce energy costs over time. Users can also add dimmers to neon signs to further minimise energy costs and improve efficiency.

Custom Neon Lights are energy-efficient, so they also tend to have a relatively long lifespan. When properly maintained, however, neon lights may last as long as 15-20 years. Generally, neon lights last an average of five to ten years, and all sign components are able to be easily repaired or replaced.

Exposure to heat and susceptibility to electrical charges are factors which may affect the lifespan of a neon light and cause for more routine maintenance such as power supply replacement; however, neon lights are much more economical and need far less maintenance.

Other lighting options may need the repeated replacement of bulbs over a few years or months—this is not the case with top quality neon lights. Choose warm glow and transform your business sign with versatile neon lights to attract your customers.


Neon Poodle
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