AI Products 


Ruby Simmons

For many people, when they hear the term "augmented reality" their first thought immediately jumped towards high-tech gadgets that can only be seen in high-budget films. Of course, it is not something that will affect their daily routine. Once upon a time, the idea might be true with practical use for AR to be a little and far between - but times have changed (and for sure for the better!). Whether we realize it or not, AR has found its way into our daily lives in one form or another, and because we can continue and continue about the impact of augmented reality, we are reluctant to narrow it into three main examples to watch out for.



Sports broadcasting

Super Bowl 2020 sees only shy than 100 million viewers. But are you a fan leader or Niners fan, every football lover has asked for them to one point: "How do they keep tapping the bottom line? This is one of the main examples we gave to those who are not familiar with tech reality augmented. The answer is known As "1 & ten", the initial example of AR that inserts a line to the field as if they actually existed. As discussed earlier, the digital line is seamlessly coated on the soccer field and does not overlap with a physical player in the foreground.


Marking the first downs is just the peak of the iceberg when it comes to AR and Football - Overlay player information, digitally tracking the player's route, and some features that are more centered on technology become new norms on today's broadcast. More importantly, this gives viewers at-home access to more insight into the game than those in the stadium, a tradeoff welcome more than $ 10 hot dogs.


The opening of AR technology does not stop in American football. Football broadcasts around the world have been adjusted to AR as a means to track individual players and display their relevant statistics. Since most fans watch online games, publishers are now experimenting with new and interesting ways to display info outside the simple chart and scoreboard. Precision-heavy sports such as baseball and golf also use AR to trackball trajectories and provide additional information to online viewers.


Shopping / Retail

E-commerce does not show slowing signs, and large box retailers have noticed. While brick shopping and mortars do not go anywhere in the near future, developments recently with vendors supporting Coronavirus which is in harmony with the digital demands of their customers. Augmented Reality now serves to overcome two main buyer worries at once: commitment and comfort.


As we previously touched, regretting the buyer was the specter of the seller everywhere. Aspects of trial-before-buying are strong drugs (think dealer test drives) but are not always feasible for most products/services. However, because more and more people start shopping online, the company makes AR part of an ordinary shopping experience.


Think about increasing your living room? Get rid of the measuring tape and slim back in your chair when you read and project all furniture supplies from your mobile camera directly to your home. With a simple swipe, users can switch between the size, color, or texture of their choice. Last October, Gravity Jack partnered with Samsung to show off their latest TV catalog. By releasing the complexity of research, purchasing, and return, Augmented Reality has changed the world of retail for years to come.


AR is not limited to cellular applications; Your cellphone camera is indeed quite good. The QR code has long been established as a means to connect easily to certain websites. Paired well with augmented reality flexibility, the QR code acts as a universal method displays AR content. The company can utilize this cozy box to link directly to the augmented reality pieces without requiring special applications. This allows retailers to provide a deep shopping experience through games, selfies, facial filters, and more.

Ruby Simmons
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