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Develop a micro job on a single platform - Fiverr clone app

Develop a micro job on a single platform - Fiverr clone app

Hi! In recent years, there has been a great demand for freelancers. Agree? Private organizations and other business professionals hire freelancers as they are cost-effective in comparison to full-time employees. In addition, hiring freelancers is beneficial for companies as they can cut off the compensations that are being provided for full-time employees. Therefore, to hire freelancers companies make use of freelancing platforms through which they can hire potential freelancers.

Also, for jobseekers, freelancing platforms are highly beneficial as they can see different job opportunities across the globe. Job seekers can create their profile by giving details like skill sets, experience, previous work samples, endorsements, etc.,

Ultimately, this blog is all about developing a freelancer website. Here is the perfect platform for developing your freelancer website. It is the Fiverr clone. It is a ready-made platform on which you can make any type of customizations. Now, let us see the different features of the Fiverr clone script.

Essential features of the Fiverr clone

Freelancer dashboard

The freelancer will have a separate dashboard under which he/she can manage all the in-app activities.

Browse gigs

Freelancers can browse for jobs using the search bar and can also apply filters and refine the search.


The app is integrated with different gateways for transactions. Freelancers will get their payment through the app itself.

Push notifications

Users will receive information related to gigs and other app information via push notifications.

Reviews and ratings

Reviews and ratings will be beneficial for both freelancers and companies. Other than that, the reviews about the app’s quality will be helpful for you to improve your offerings.


The advantage of developing the Fiverr clone lies in the customization options. Using the customization facility, you can mould the app so as to fit your overall business requirements.

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