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How to be an Effective Scrum Master

Jay Davis
How to be an Effective Scrum Master

Scrum Master and Agile scrum project management are two words that go together and almost make one feel as they are synonymous. Nevertheless, practicing agile without a scrum master is unheard of and would just delay in reaping the benefits of the methodology.

And this why Scrum Master is a crucial role in the agile project management scheme of things.

At a very high level, Scrum Masters are considered as:

Leaders – have the skills to motivate and lead the team practice agile successfully.

Experienced – have thorough knowledge of the agile principles and stay true to them throughout the course of the project.

Coach/Mentor – have the role of coaching and guiding the teams through agile adoption.

Organizers – as the crucial responsibility of ensuring coordination, communication and collaboration within and between teams, product owner and business stakeholders lies on them.

Now this gives us a good glimpse of the various hats that a Scrum Master has to wear to enable his teams implement agile project management successfully.

Let us take a quick look at the Scrum Master role to then understand what they do, how and why.


Read the full article at Orangescrum blog

Jay Davis
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