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Benefits of Big Data Analytics

vikas sudan
Benefits of Big Data Analytics

Today, every organization, whether it is big or small ought to be making data driven decisions using big data analytics. Analyzing information that is both online and offline, can help you grow your business. 

Large datasets that can be computationally analyzed define big data. These reveal trends, patterns and associations especially related to human behavior. The growth of the internet has led to a big data revolution. Other new technologies like wireless networks, smartphones and social media contribute to this revolution. 

For using big data analytics, organizations usually have to hire data scientists to do the work. 

Big data can create breakthroughs for your organization as long as you know how to use it to your advantage. 

Here are some of the benefits of using big data

  1. Better efficiency: Digital technology tools boost your business efficiency. Many tasks can be done from the comfort of your desk without having to travel with the help of tools like Google Maps, Google Earth and social media. These tools can save time as well. Big data tools can gather large amounts of customer data by interacting with the customers and gaining their valuable insights. This helps companies create highly personalized experiences for their customers as they can extract patterns from the data. 
  2. Improves pricing: Big data analytics companies will help you evaluate your finances a lot better. This can give you a clearer picture of where the business stands. 
  3. Level up with competitors: Using the same tools that big companies use can help you be on the same playing field and helps make your business more sophisticated by taking advantage of these big data tools.
  4. Retain customers and boost sales: The aim of big data is to analyze and gather a large amount of customer information. Customer data and digital footprint left behind by the customers usually reveal a lot about them and their preferences, buying needs and much more. This data gives the business scope to design products that are specifically meant to cater to the customer needs. More personalization attracts more customers. Another important factor to note is that this personalization also creates loyalty amongst customers. Offering good discounts with personalization keeps customers coming back.
  5. Focus on the local environment: This is one of the most important factors, especially for small businesses that wish to focus on the local market. Even if your business is small and has a constrained target market, it is very important to understand the competitors, what they are offering and their customers. Big data tools can provide you with insights by analyzing and scanning trends that are associated with the sellers and the customers. These insights can be used to gain a competitive advantage in the local market by delivering products that are highly personalized and fit the niche of the customers around you. 
  6. Monitoring online reputations: Since more businesses are shifting towards an online domain, it has become increasingly important for companies to monitor, check and improve their online reputation. This is because, whatever customers are saying about your brand online, would determine how many customers gravitate towards your business. Some big data tools exist to specifically target sentiment analysis. These tools can help you surf the internet and find out what people are saying about your business. This can help you improve the quality of your products and services, and also address the grievances of your customers a lot better. 

Those are some of the most important benefits of using big data analytics for your business. 

vikas sudan
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