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Why You Should Conduct Regular Security Assessment?

Cyril James
Why You Should Conduct Regular Security Assessment?

Companies of all sizes are realizing the necessity of conducting a security assessment of their company on a regular basis. This is even more important for small companies that do not have a security team and whose employees are not security savvy.

Even the most hardened security-focused organizations can’t always identify every possible crack in their defenses. Sometimes, the best way to find out what’s broken is to do a security assessment.
A security assessment is exactly what it sounds like: an evaluation of a company’s security. A company that conducts security assessments regularly may be better prepared to identify and fix any holes in their security. And, if holes are identified, they can be fixed before a hacker can walk right in.
Types of Security Risk Assessment
Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability assessment aims to provide a systematic review of the security lapses and weaknesses in an organisation’s systems and architecture. It works by assigning severity levels to vulnerabilities and recommending remedies.

Penetration Testing

Pen testing involves simulated cyber-attacks against an organisation’s systems, internal and external network, APIs, cloud setups etc. with the aim to discover exploitable vulnerabilities.

Risk Assessment

Cybersecurity risk assessment is the process of identifying, analysing, and evaluating the risks in the organisation’s IT landscape and quantifying potential losses resulting from the risks.

Compliance Assessment

Compliance assessment is carried out to identify the gaps between the existing system controls and what is required for a secure network. It relates to compliance with specific standards like PCI-DSS and HIPAA, as and where applicable for an organisation.
Compliance assessment is about risk-based controls to protect the confidentiality and accessibility of data.

Running these security assessments periodically is a must; let us see why.

Check out this post to know: Importance of Security Risk Assessment

Cyril James
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