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Why Application Security is Important in Financial Services Industry?

Cyril James
Why Application Security is Important in Financial Services Industry?

The financial services industry has seen a prolific rise in the use of applications in the last couple of years. Globally millions of customers already use a wide range of mobile app services, and it is estimated that the financial application industry will grow at a rate of 30% in the coming years.

In 2020 there were 26% more mobile app sessions as compared to 2019. Using applications for different financial and banking services is a rapid and convenient way to effectively manage your monetary resources like checking balance, transferring funds, paying bills and so on.

Financial apps are growing in precedence as several users using smartphones are on the rise. Also, applications are preferred more as it provides on the go services.

But the increase in the use of applications for financial purposes come with a whole new set of cyber security problems. Security is the principal requirement for an application in the financial industry as a lot of financial resources are at stake.

The application industry has still not reached its potential as there are apprehensions among customers, such as app security, data breach, etc. A good application must primarily provide trust, security and data privacy if they want a considerable number of customers using the application.

Since these applications are accessed anywhere from various devices and on numerous channels, there is a need for the financial company to build robust cyber security systems to prevent attacks and threats of any kind. The following are the kind of threats and some preventive measures that can be carried out to prevent malicious attacks.

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Cyril James
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