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Thinking of hiring a good website design and development company? First, here’s what you need to know about design. The Design is the process of collecting concepts and visually arranging and implementing them in order to create an image. Web design is the similar process of creating with the intention of presenting content on electronic web pages, which the end-user can access through the internet with the help of browsers like Google, Bing and many more. There are few key elements to web design and they are as follows.

So how has web designing changed over the course of time?

Simply put, the concept of web designing has changed a lot in the last two decades but one needs to ask where are they going? Or how will the website be in the future? In today’s era, technology is moving at such a rapid pace that it’s difficult to keep up with the kind of technologies that are out there. Within a span of few years, technology has changed our means of communication, how we find information, where and what we buy and many more. Industries like fashion and arts have adapted to these changes related to taste and styles. In this way, even e-commerce web design and web design trends come and go. Websites, which used to have a simple appearance, but are highly complex from a coding point of view, have been changed by new programs and additions, which has had a massive impact on web design landscape. Let’s look at how web design trends have evolved and changed in the past few years.

  1. Availability of web fonts is making headers even more visual

The first thing your need is a logo. A logo is a graphic mark, artwork, or symbol that represents a business, organization , community, or even an individual. One of the main reasons behind it is strong recall value. Therefore, your logo too will be related to your business’ name, initials, it’s field or some other important element. Ensure you brief your creative agency about the colours, designs, and your expectations from the logo.

  1. Evolution of HTML to HTML5

During the past, the structure of a website’s design used to be modest, which led to the complexity of using a website. But with HTML5 it has changed the structure of a website making it user-friendly and improving the quality of a website.

  1. GIF images the next big thing compared to PNG

GIF images are simple to make with the help of an animation program. Plus, they do not require a web browser to have a plug-in. PNG images are good enough, but they have their disadvantages.PNG allows broader range of images, but there used to be some distortion in the pixel levels when used at different resolutions. E.g. – If a user is viewing an image at 1200 pixels, but the image is designed for 600 pixels, then the image would have some distortion.

  1. Organic contents for SERPs are replacing META

HTML was a huge part of web design when it was new. Although HTML is required to make a page, different programs like MUSE have turned coding skills more out of date. Due to which coding, along with meta tags and meta data has become a thing of the past. Instead, organic content is helping SERPs, as search engines are now looking for data that’s been established within and outside the confines of a page.

  1. Stylesheets have become more popular

Over the past 10 years, CSS sheets have become more popular among web designers who work with coders (or who know coding). This has given rise to user interaction and easy to use by designers. CSS sheets are becoming more organized as coding has become cleaner and easier to understand, and its functionalities have also increased.

  1. Technology

Small businesses do not require you to invest ample of cash in order to set-up an online business. This is because hardware and software costs have significantly reduced over the past 10 years. As a result, website design has gotten cheaper. One of the main factors for this has given rise to open source software packages like WordPress and Magento. This software allows a developer to build websites at a very cheap rate. Web applications that require being built from scratch is now a thing of the past. A professional web development in Pune will offer the service of developing websites and applications on a platform. Web designing has certainly changed with new trends, but we can’t predict the future of web designing. But one thing is for sure, web designing, with time, will be more efficient and even easier to do. Therefore, businesses need to hire a good website design and development company who understand the intricacies of design and will provide the best looking and functional website for your business.

About Us

Kaizen Design Studio  is a multi-faceted digital marketing company in Pune with an unwavering focus on attaining numerous Uno status amongst advertising agencies in Pune. We do this through creativity, dedication, technological advancement, and unmatched customer service. Get in touch with us for the right marketing and advertising solutions.

Continuous improvement’, as our tagline reads, is the main principle of Kaizen. We at Kaizen Design Studio, strive to continuously improve ourselves and our services. We believe in pushing the boundaries of creativity, and setting new standards of achievement for ourselves. Applying these principles and more, Kaizen Design Studio has grown from strength to strength, and is now one of the most sought after, corporate video production in pune ,India.

Contact Us

Sr.No. 20/3/2, Pashan Road,

Near to Maratha Mandir,

Bavdhan Khurd, Pune, 411021

Email Id : [email protected]

Website : https://www.kaizendesignstudio.com/



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