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Green House valdezengineering.ca

Structural Engineering Ontario
Green House  valdezengineering.ca

Green House valdezengineering.ca

Counseling Engineering and Design

For more than 40 years

Valdez Engineering Ltd was set up in 1978 by Mr. Hector Valdez to give counseling designing administrations in and around Windsor, Ontario. Our author comprehended the basic job of particular designing and configuration required for substantial mechanical area including auto, food and refineries.

Valdez Engineering Ltd has been mechanically cutting-edge since beginning with physically planning and drafting in 1978, to ongoing limited component investigation (FEA) of modern tank and complex designs. Valdez Engineering has assembled a standing of greatness in the field of plan and designing.
Valdez Engineering: Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Green House, HVAC, Building Planning, Site Development Plan, Tank Design, Industrial Building, Consulting Building, Consulting Engineering, Structural Restoration In Windsor, Ontario & Michigan
Underlying Engineering, Civil Engineering, Green House, HVAC, Building Planning, Site Development Plan, Tank Design, Industrial Building, Consulting Building, Consulting Engineering, Structural Restoration In Windsor, Ontario and Michigan. For more details visit - http://www.valdezengineering.ca/

Structural Engineering Ontario
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