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How to change MAC address | kali linux change mac address | How to change MAC address in kali linux

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How to change MAC address | kali linux change mac address | How to change MAC address in kali linux

Welcome to Techohalic, In This Article you are going to learn about How to change Mac Address. When it comes to networking, then most of us probably heard of MAC addresses.


This article is all about, what is the MAC address? What is it used for? How to change the MAC address?


What is the MAC address?

MAC address stands for Media Access Control address. It is a unique, physical, and permanent address that is assigned to network interface devices by their manufacturers.


So, whether it is your wireless card or ethernet card, each one of these comes with a permanent, physical and unique address, known as Mac address.


So, there are no two devices in the world with the same MAC address. This address will always remain the same for a specific device, even after you unplug it from your computer and plug it into another computer, it will never change.


Benefits of changing a MAC address


  • Increase anonymity
  • Impersonate other devices
  • Bypass filter

If you want to learn more about How to change Mac Address Kindly visit our website Techohalic. 


Click here to learn about How to change the MAC address in Kali Linux


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