Top engineering colleges in Ghaziabad is Sunder Deep Engineering College.
It is best engineering college in up, offers B.Tech (AS & H, CSE, ME, ECE, CE, EEE) & M.Tech course approved by
All India Council for Technical education and affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow.

Sunder Deep Engineering College is one of the top engineering colleges in UP.
Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and affiliated to Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), Lucknow.
Offers bachelor’s in Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, and Civil.
And masters in all core branches.
SDEC course specifically designed for students based on their aptitude and choice.

And this particular requirement of every industry opens the doors of opportunities for those people who have the utmost knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Technology and are being designated as the Engineers in actuality.
As a result of this particular requirement engineering colleges became one of the necessities of this modern age undoubtedly.
Noida based this particular BTech College is the place for fabulous people only.
Only brilliant and talented students can get chance to take entry into the campus of NIET, the Best Engineering Institute in Noida not to learn or to complete their preferred courses only, but, to make themselves ready and prepared for their professional life, to invite success in their life, to compose there golden future too.The Noida Institute of Engineering Technology (NIET) has been making its each and every student a jewel as a matter of fact.
After completing each and every of the preferred courses from this particular B tech college, which is being designated as one of the Best Btech colleges in Greater Noida and other places of Noida, each and every of the students can see all the doors of opportunities are opening in front of their naked eyes gradually, one by one.
All of these students are really very skillful and efficient.