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How To Know Rasi and Nakshatra?

How To Know Rasi and Nakshatra?

Lagna and Rashi, both hold a great significance in astrology. Their importance especially increases when they are considered before auspicious occasions such as marriage or starting a new business. But most people do not take Lagna and Rashi as two different terms. They consider them as one and therefore, do not read both of them during horoscope reading.

If we study thoroughly, there are 12 houses as suggested in Vedic astrology. The 1st house is considered as Lagna and the Rashi is the sign-in in which the moon is situated. Laga ad Rashi both are influential factors in a person’s life.

In a person’s life, Lagna is basically considered while making any major decision in life like choosing a life partner, starting a new business or job. Whereas, Rashi is the moon sign. This means that the moon sign will determine how a person behaves in his life and what his personality will be like.

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