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Designer Ceiling Lights

Luxury Lighting Boutique
Designer Ceiling Lights

Luxury Lighting Boutique in Edinburgh sells a huge selection of luxury, designer ceiling lights suitable for your home or business.

We only sell the best designer ceiling lights available.  Our suppliers are renowned British, European and American lighting designers. Some specialise in environmentally friendly lighting and others carry on family traditions that are generations old.

The Eichholtz Lighting collection often consists of high-end interior pieces that are modern interpretations of alluring antiques. CTO Lighting is a British company recognised for its contemporary, luxury lighting that is manufactured in the UK.  In this collection, you will find lighting made from the finest materials by the best British craftsmen.

We try to supply a range of lighting so that we will have something that suits all tastes and decor.  We have lighting that is suitable for homes and businesses such as hotels, pubs and restaurants. 

Luxury Lighting Boutique
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