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Hitting the Trails in Florida – The Best Locations for Hiking in the State

Mariano Smith
Hitting the Trails in Florida – The Best Locations for Hiking in the State

We’ve all enjoyed spending more time outdoors in the past year, and hiking has become a popular pastime with many individuals. Florida offers a diverse range of landscapes and terrain for hiking, making it one of the best activities for your next trip to the Sunshine State. Hiking is an inexpensive activity for any visitor to Florida and one that will allow you to reconnect with nature and spend quality time with your family and friends on your next trip.


Torreya State Park

Choose between six or seven-mile loop trails here at Torreya State Park, which offer a good challenge for intermediate and experienced hikers. The Rock Creek Loop is six miles long, whereas the Torreya Challenge Loop is an extra mile on top of that. Enjoy the incredible views over the Apalachicola River from the trails, and witness the rare Torreya tree, which the park is named after.


Blackwater River State Forest

You’ll be able to experience part of the Florida National Scenic Trail here at Blackwater River State Forest. Near Juniper Creek, you’ll experience incredible scenery, including red clay buffs and the Blackwater River. If you fancy a more casual stroll, take the Chain of Lakes Nature Trail, which offers a short 1.75-mile loop trail into the forest.


Little Talbot Island

If you’ve seen the incredible pictures of Little Talbot Island, you may just assume this is a beach destination. However, there’s so much more to this area than meets the eye. There’s a fantastic four-mile trail here which allows you to witness a whole host of different creatures on your way around. After your hike, consider relaxing on the beach or enjoying a spot of fishing or surfing while you are in the area. There are plenty of places to settle down for a picnic as well, so you can enjoy a well-deserved lunch after your explorations.


Bulow Plantation

For a longer hiking adventure in Florida, we recommend the Bulow Plantation Loop. Enjoy exploring the twelve miles of trails on offer here, which surround the ruins on the site dating back to the Second Seminole Indian War. Our top trail recommendation here is the Bulow Woods Trail, where you can see huge oaks that are up to 400 years old. It’s the perfect place to escape the crowds and mayhem of elsewhere in Florida and spend time reconnecting with nature this year.


Hiking is one of our favorite ways to pass a day in Florida, and there are endless trails on offer to locals and visitors. You can enjoy hiking throughout the year, although you’ll want to be careful in the summer heat to avoid being outside in the middle of the day. For a way to escape the heat and crowds this summer in Florida, head out on a Cape Coral Fishing Trip. You’ll enjoy time together in nature and admiring the natural beauty of Florida from the water and away from the crowds.

Mariano Smith
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