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Ashok Leyland 2518 Truck Price - Specification And Overview

Devendra singh
Ashok Leyland 2518 Truck Price - Specification And Overview

Ashok Leyland 2518 truck is the most popular model of the company. Ashok Leyland is a well-known company for manufacturing commercial vehicles in India. The company was established in 1948 and worked under the Hinduja Groups. The trucks are very fuel-efficient and have excellent work efficiency.

The company produced advanced technological vehicles with an effective price range. The price range of Ashok Leyland trucks is ranging between Rs. 17.53 lakhs* to  Rs. 45.32 lakhs* in India. The HP range of these trucks is starting from 80 HP and going up to 250 HP in India. In this blog, we will know about used Ashok Leyland 2518 truck.

Ashok Leyland 2518 truck

This Ashok Leyland truck has its unforgivable place in the Indian market due to its reasonable price. The power of this truck is unbeatable at any site or work. This heavy-duty truck manufactured with highly advanced technology and offers complete comfort to the drivers. The engine of these trucks is very powerful and generates a good torque which is very useful to many applications. If you want a reasonable heavy-duty truck, then this truck can fulfil your needs.

We saw the importance of the Ashok Leyland 2518 truck in this blog. If you want more, then please be with us at Truck Junction.

Devendra singh
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