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Top 5 Push Notifications Extensions for Magento 2

Extensions Ninja
Top 5 Push Notifications Extensions for Magento 2

Web push notifications can reach over 80% of all internet users – as mentioned in a research by Gravitec

When you own an eCommerce store, gaining the attention of customers every now and then is very important. Push Notifications play a vital role in developing engagement among regular visitors and loyal customers. Whether it is a personalized offer or an update about the new collection launch, everything can be informed through a push notification. 

Are you planning to offer the facility of push notifications on your store? Well, having a Magento 2 Extension for the same can make this easier. There are a large number of Magento 2 Extensions available for this functionality. Choosing the most appropriate one is a tough choice for store owners. To make that research easier for customers, we have come up with a list of top 5 Push Notification Extensions for Magento 2 along with their features. 

MageDelight Push Notifications Extension

The Magento 2 Push Notifications Extension by MageDelight helps you increase user engagement by sending push notifications to your subscribers based on certain events and conditions. This extension lets you send real-time web and browser notifications to your customer. 

  • Reach your customers even when they are not surfing your website
  • Recover abandoned carts through custom browser notifications
  • Create custom templates using dynamic tags for various customer/order attributes
  • Send order-related notifications through browser
  • Trigger notifications on various customer events
  • Supports Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Services

Amasty Push Notifications Extension

Magento 2 Push Notifications by Amasty helps you increase your revenue by strengthening the interaction strategy with target customers.

  • Trigger repeat purchases from your existing customers
  • Add catchy logos, images and links to draw visitors’ attention
  • Make data-driven decisions based on statistical info

BSSCommerce Push Notifications Magento 2 Extension

Push Notifications Extension by BSSCommerce provides a quick and effective way to notify customers directly through their browsers.

  • Immediately send push notification to customers via browsers
  • Support common browsers: Chrome, Firefox…
  • Display pop-up message on top of the screen without an opening website

Mirasvit Magento 2 Push Notifications Extension

Notify your customers directly through their browsers with Push Notifications Magento 2 Extension by Mirasvit.

  • Easy to subscribe to.
  • Web-push notifications show up right after sending them

Webkul Magento 2 Push Notifications Extension

With the amazing Push Notification Extension by Webkul, the store owner can send real-time push notifications messages to its customers.

  • No Subscription Required
  • Immediately Notify To Customers
  • Popup Available In Any Of The Screen

Now Compare, Enquire and Purchase. These are the top 5 Push Notifications Extensions for Magento 2 Stores. Hope you are able to figure out the best extension for your store. If you aren’t able to decide, our team of experts will be happy to help. Feel free to reach us out.

Extensions Ninja
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