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Mahindra Tractor in India

pravin upadhyay
Mahindra Tractor in India

Mahindra being the most talked about brand in the world of Automobiles and heavy-duty vehicles. ‘Tough Hardum’ rightly represents this tractor brand. Also, known as Bharat Ka sabse pasandeeda Tractor Brand!” Mahindra has surely capturedthe market share by providing A-Z services to its customers. Let’s have a deeper look into the journey of Mahindra tractors.

Ludhiana was the founding city of Mahindra tractors, a city in the agricultural capital of the world – India. This conglomerate surely knew the needs of the farmers in India and is successful in proving it over the years by maintaining the tag of the Highest Selling Tractor brand across the globe. 

B-275 was the first tractor to be rolled out by Mahindra tractors. Certainly, this was possible by joining hands with International Harvester to roll out tractors in India with the Mahindra tractor’s nametag. Currently, Mahindra tractors are jointly manufactured with Deepak Diese Pvt. LTD in Rajkot.

Source: https://tractorguru.in/mahindra-tractors

pravin upadhyay
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