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Everything You Need to Know About Information Architecture in terms of UX Design

Eco York
Everything You Need to Know About Information Architecture in terms of UX Design

Whenever we visit any website or interact with a mobile app, we are faced with the interfaces containing information we are looking for. But did you ever thought to look at how every piece of information is arranged on a website or a mobile app? If you look carefully, you will find that all the content within a website has been organized accurately.

A good UX is all about information presented logically and within reach of the target audience. And information architecture is the foundation to help you organize and present content in a structured manner for the website or a mobile app. Information architecture design is a task that is often shared by designers, developers, and content specialists since it helps to solve problems about organizing complex information clearly and logically.

To help you give detailed insights about the information architecture, we have covered a few key concepts in this blog post, so read on!

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Understanding Information Architecture?

One of the important aspects of user experience design is finding out how users will react to content in the context of UX design. Understanding is the key to a successful UX design, and information architecture is essentially relevant to the user experience. In simple terms, information architecture is a science or method of structuring content of the website, mobile app, or any other online platform. Information architecture design is a way using which the user can understand where the information to be placed so that it becomes easy for the users to find it as and when needed.

Are Information Architecture and UX Design the same?

The answer is NO. Though both are highly connected, they are different! While UX design touches a few aspects of the user experience, the information architecture is more about the user’s goals and cognitive efforts. In a way, we can say that UX is about ensuring a pleasant interface and responding to the psychological needs of the end-user. And information architecture is more about structuring. This means without proper information architecture, it is not possible to bring an effective user experience.

What should be considered while doing information architecture design?

Okay, so you have made your mind going for information architecture design for your website, that’s cool! But do you know a few key things that you must be aware of and figure out to achieve desired results from IA? Here’s the list of pre-requisites for a successful IA:

  • The user flow throughout the website or a mobile app
  • How your website eases finding information for the users?
  • Do you know how the information will be represented on your website?
  • Do you feel the information on your website or mobile app helps the users to make the decision?

Once you have this information in place, you’re all set to move ahead with the information architecture design. You must focus on the target audience, the core technology behind your website or a mobile app, and the kind of data that will be presented through it.

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Talking about the Best Practices, you should follow during information architecture design…
  • Think and define the company goals – To identify and determine the goal of the effective information architecture, it is a must that you think about the goal of your organization. Why are you going for information architecture for your website? What are your objectives and goals? Try to find out answers to such questions. In general, most companies are adopting IA to make more money, reduce costs, and help the end-users make the right decision. If you cannot formulate the right goal or objective, just stop right there and rework it!
  • Try to understand what the users will do with your website or a mobile app – It is very important to figure out your target audience. You must identify who all will be visiting your mobile app or website. Also, try to understand your users’ objectives behind visiting your website. To find out the answers, you can follow the conventional UX practices like identifying personas, scenarios and even arrange user interviews. You can easily find out the best and the worst scenarios that might occur, and you can think of preventing them earlier.
  • Don’t forget to analyze your competitors – You might be having something in your mind for your website or mobile app, but your competitors might have already implemented the same idea! So, go out and make sure you know what your competitors offer and ensure you don’t repeat the same! Try to analyze your competitor’s website to find out how they display information, what is common between you and your competitor, is their website easy to navigate, and so on.

And that’s it! You can now design content for your website or mobile app! You can group and label the content, define navigation and create a site map, and perform user testing to ensure it is up to the mark! Looking for website design services for your website? Why don’t you give it a try and have a look at the website design services offered by us?

Source: https://www.ecoyork.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-information-architecture-in-ux-design/

Eco York
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