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LG Service Centre in CV Raman Nagar

mohd hassen miya
LG Service Centre in CV Raman Nagar

refrigerator is freezing food. Some of the common problems in the microwave oven are not heating, stops in the middle of cooking, plate is not spinning, sparking microwave, no light inside, and many more. Any kind of problem is easily solved by technicians. Like these we find so many problems in the electronic home appliances. So you no need to worry about these problems. We are here to help to solve all these types and beyond problems by our technicians. However our technicians are well trained and experienced in repairing any kind of problem in any of your home appliances. Contact us: 8106660022, 18008918106. Moreover, we will provide doorstep repair service. Hence, we always give our best and quality service at your doorstep in an instant way. Just contact us if you have any kind of trouble with any of your above mentioned electronic home appliances. Our service center main motto is to provide quality service and satisfy customers. 

mohd hassen miya
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