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Why DevOps is Important?

Snehal Harshe
Why DevOps is Important?

The reason why DevOps is popular as it allows to create product much faster than it was by the traditional approach. The main part of DevOps includes understanding the lifecycle of product development. Also, it helps to create better -quality software, making sure that it will be deployed more quickly and reliably. This is achieved by collaboration between teams. Here teams refer to the Development team & IT Operations team. It is not just the collaboration between these two teams which allow delivering better software, but also the integrity between Development & Operation teams which results in improved software, delivered at a greater speed.

SevenMentor is the Best DevOps Training in Pune provides a Trending Course which is high in demand nowadays, DevOps is a software Development Methodology that Filled the gap between Software Development and Information Technology Operation primarily used in the process of Software Development Lifecycle to reduce the time needed in the development phase and another operation phase, this will lead the business objective while implementing the software features or fixing the bugs or working on any update, The Best DevOps Classes in Pune will come with an extensive set of DevOps tools like JIRA, Git, Maven, Ansible, Docker Kubernetes, Jenkins, Puppet, Nagios, Jfrog, etc. Best DevOps Certification in Pune designed and developed by SevenMentor is based on the core practical live projects in the field of software development.

Software Development Evolution the reason for the evolution of the DevOps is existing software development strategies/ methodologies over the years in response to business needs. Now let us briefly look at how these models evolved and in which condition they would work better.

We are all aware of SDLC phrases that are used in software development processes. And also we know the Waterfall model which is very slow so it was evolved into Agile which saw development teams working on the software in short sprints lasting not more than two weeks. Because of such a short release and development cycle, the product helped the development of teamwork on client feedback and incorporated it along with bug fixes in the next release. While this Agile SCRUM approach provides speed with agility to development, it was lost on Operations which did not come up to speed with Agile practices. Traditional software development methods are not able to achieve collaboration between Developers and Operations Engineers still slowing down the development process and releases. Because of these drawbacks, we have a new advanced method i.e. DevOps methodology. It was born out of this need for better collaboration, integration, and faster delivery. Best DevOps Course in Pune enables continuous software delivery with a faster resolution problem to fix and solve more complex problems.

Now we are well understood about how DevOps is evolved, let us look at what is Best DevOps Training in Pune in detail.

 What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development technique that involves Continuous Development, Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Continuous Monitoring of the software throughout its software development life cycle. Only during a DevOps Methodology, these activities are possible, this is often impossible within the Agile or waterfall model, and that’s why Facebook and other top companies have chosen DevOps as the way forward for their future business goals. DevOps is preferred for high-quality software in very short development cycles which ends up in greater user satisfaction. Now I feel you understand the concept of DevOps but after understanding the life cycle all of your concepts will clear.

Snehal Harshe
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