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Towels Blue Hair Drying Turban Towel - TURBIE CAP - Ctexs.pk

Ctexs Pakistan
Towels Blue Hair Drying Turban Towel - TURBIE CAP - Ctexs.pk
  • Quality Dry Hair Turban Towel only from Ctexs | Luxury Super Absorbent Drying Hair Towel from Ctexs.pk and from frizz and prime it for effortless styling.
  • These hair drying towels are a little longer and heavier than the alternatives.
  • Hand or machine wash in warm water with a gentle detergent, then tumble
    dry on medium. Do not use fabric softener or chlorine, please do not iron or
    dry clean.
  • Regardless of whether your hair is short, curly, long, thick, or curly, the more
    hair towels you use, the better your hair can look and feel. Ideal for mothers,
    girls, and children of various ages.
  • Turban towel by ctexs Super absorbent, this hair towel absorbs almost 75% of
    the water in just ten minutes, saving you time and money while reducing
    blow-drying damage to your hair.
Ctexs Pakistan
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