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Dynamic of the future of advertising

Dynamic of the future of advertising

The Future of Dynamic Advertising is experiencing a change of notion. Online advertising attracts more and more traffic to the website. It is the new gold and game-changer of competitive markets. Advertising has gone digital and it is present everywhere. With futuristic technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Machine Learning promising to improvise advertising to various degrees, there is plenty to consider.

The new era of marketing


As marketing strategy changes from time to time, the customers and their loyalty towards brands do change. The challenge represents not just a shifting competitive landscape and changing customer attitudes but also an opportunity to examine the shifting marketplace at large. The marketers should engage in knowing the customer needs by innovative use of AI technologies and high-tech platforms. Familiarising the brand with a lot of people in minimal time is the goal at hand

Change is constant


Constant change is bringing lots of opportunities and ideas for both brands and creators, companies are in a position to provide greater creative quality and efficiency than other technology platforms or traditional advertising agencies. Personal ads are meant to be consistently integrated into the customer experience so as to enhance the viewer experience.

Precision targeting


Advertising has its foundation laid decades back and now it relies totally on technology. This leads to high customer engagement and precision targeting with better traffic management crucial for successful conversion. It is paramount because it targets the user with relevant ads, enhances the overall campaign performance, and prevents budget wastage. Videos with relevant advertising having augmented reality and virtual relay experiences will provide a high return on investment for the agencies and companies.


The future of advertising will shift towards a more intentional, relevant targeting that will be powered by comprehensive dynamic content. It has the potential to conversion-optimized the search site. It is meant to streamline the user journey from the first interaction to conversion. Dynamic banner ads can be considered as the periphery of dynamic content as they are meant to preserve the consistency of the experience even if the user remained on the website for a very short period. 

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Influencer marketing


It is a type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers/individuals who have a dedicated social media presence and following and are well-versed in their area of expertise. It works based on the trust of their head man and recommendations from them serve as social proof for the potential customers. Networks like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, youtube have their own set of influencers with varied demographics. It helps in engaging with a specific group of targeted audience who are likely to be the followers of respective influencers. 

Global advertising market


There is a continual increase in expenditure on media and entertainment across the globe. The competitive landscape of the market has increased to accommodate numerous small and large manufacturers with their technological advancements. The scope has increased due to the growing number of internet users and reaching the unreached population even in remote areas. The evolution of cloud advertising and other enhanced advertising business models has contributed to overall growth in the market


Brand consistency is the practice of always delivering messages aligned with the core brand values and the elements. It ensures that the brand is easily recognizable across various marketing channels. It can shape brand perception by evoking positive emotions, building trust and loyalty, and differentiating the brand from competitors. To have strong brand recognition and to foster trust among the target audience, consistent brand values are a must for any company. 


Digital advertising can dramatically reduce costs through automation which can be broken down through its own value chain. Though traditional media is still key for building brand awareness, targeted advertising uses this brand equity to achieve the final outcome. Being the fastest growing market in the world, digital advertising can maximize the return of its spending. Spurred by competition from social media and other types of ad-supported digital media, people have begun investing in technologies necessary to offer it to the customers.


In today’s digital era, marketers need to arm themselves with advanced tools to be on the top of emerging trends to stay relevant. Digitally savvy customers look for stuff at ease and the future is in the digital world which has placed new demands on the marketers. We at Primates are growing along with the technology and a tectonic shift is about to happen which will have “everything to everyone” as its mantra

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