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How do you stop a ship?

How do you stop a ship?

During my sailing days, I worked on different kinds of ships where I learnt the stopping a ship can be crucial task as they don’t have wheels or brakes like a car or a bike.

Ships have main engine which control the propeller located in the rear end of a ship which provides a thrust and propels the ship ahead of time on turning.

So you need to stop the to stop the ship


First, you need to cut-off the fuel supply to the main engine, even then the propeller continue to move due to the momentum in water which makes the ship to move ahead


Eventually, it stops after covering some distance, called the stopping distance.

Every ship possess a unique stopping distance, ranging from 1-3 nautical miles!! 

As a Captain, I had to know the stopping distance of my ship very well, else I ran the risk for not being able to stop the ship in time and at the right point.


Why am I telling you this?


A good leader must know when to start new things also when to STOP.  As stopping does not necessarily mean quitting or giving up. It also means preparing your next move, which translates into a heightened level of self-awareness as a leader.

Do you know your stopping distance as a leader? 


I used to Captain ships, now I as acoach leaders drive change using the same principles, and it works.

Drop me a mail and I’ll send you my booking link, and you can tell me where you want your ship to go.

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