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What Are The Types Of Carbon Steel?

What Are The Types Of Carbon Steel?


Steel is one of the most versatile, common, and extensively used metals that feature the combination of iron and carbon content. By alloying various contents with steel it forms different types and ranges in which one of the kinds available is carbon steel. So, MS chequered plate is also a significant form of steel that has high mechanical strength to ensure maximum skid resistance.


Excellent Types Of Carbon Steel:

Low Carbon Steel:

These are typically known as mild steel as it consists of 0.05% to 0.50% of carbon content. It is relatively soft and weak that offers superior ductility and softness. They are not strengthened through treating heat and it is accomplished through cold working only. Similarly, they are easily melted, fabricated, and machined as they possess good formability. On the other hand, this steel is easily designed in certain shapes through pouring, pressing and molding methods.

Medium Carbon Steel:

This category has a considerable range of 0.30% to 0.50% of carbon content whereas it includes 0.6% -1.60% of manganese content. These are comparatively stronger than low carbon steel and they are quite hardened and tempered through the process of heat treatments. With long wearing properties it exhibits superb ductility and toughness. These ranges of carbon steel are combined with the process of quenching and tempering that create the structure of it and exhibits superior tensile strength.

High Carbon Steel:

Its composition consists of 0.55% to 0.95% of carbon along with 0.50% to 0.90% of manganese content. These are very hard and strong carbon steel ranges like SAIL TMT Bar that hold shape memory superior and make it more suitable for springs and wires. It has excellent hardness and tensile strength while these are also cheap when compared to the other hard materials. These ranges of steel are most commonly used in several applications. They are mostly preferred for manufacturing the tools of knives, saws, metal cutting tools and wooden cutting tools.


Thus, the Steel Suppliers in Chennai has given a clear picture of all the above types of carbon steel which offers superior resistance to corrosion and abrasion.


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