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How Long does it Take to Learn to Read Quran?

Arslan Haider
How Long does it Take to Learn to Read Quran?

Learning Quran is a great virtue. Quran is the message of Allah revealed on (P.B.U.H.) for the welfare and betterment of humanity. Allah has revealed the book in 23 years Prophet (P.B.U.H.) so that he (P.B.U.H.) can absorb its message properly and preach it to people effectively. So if you have decided to learn Quran, don't learn it in a hurry; let its message absorb in yourself.

It is not difficult to learn Quran, you can learn it at any age with any level of I.Q. You can learn it whether it is about learning to read the Quran, recite the Quran or even to memorize it. There is no limitation of age or intelligence. A person at any age with dedication and consistency can learn Quran reading.

Learning to read Quran is more like learning to read Arabic. To learn Arabic, like any other language, you should know about its alphabets, grammar, and phonics. When you start learning to read the Quran, you will begin by learning the basics of Arabic. You will first learn the Arabic alphabets, ways to read them. Then you would come up with pronunciation rules and mkharijs. Then there would be lessons on the vowels in the Arabic language and how to pronounce them.


After learning enough about alphabets and their pronunciations, now you would learn how to join the letters, apply vowels to them and then read them. Once you would get to know about the compound words and ways to articulate and pronounce them, then you would have some lessons and exercises on reading the Quranic words picked up from different chapters of the Quran so that you get an idea of how the words are formed in Quran and how to articulate them.

Guide Books:

There are guide books available in the market to teach all these basic rules of the Arabic language, one of the most famous guide books is Noorani Qaida. It is designed in a very effective way to make things easier for the learner. It is divided into a number of lessons and practises exercises covering all the basic rules a person should follow to read the Quran.

The first lesson of Noorani Qaida is on the alphabets of Arabic to make the learner familiar with the letters of the new language. The same lesson contains their pronunciations in the form of little hints with each alphabet. Then there are exercises with jumbled-up alphabets where the learner has to recognize each alphabet and quickly pronounce it. These exercises are designed to test the learner that how much he has learnt about certain rules and lessons.

Learn Vowels:

The next lesson is on vowels or vowing signs of Arabic. These signs are very important because without learning about them, you will not be able to read the Quran accurately. The reason is that without vowels, all the Arabic text seems the same sentence looks exactly alike. So to distinguish the words and sentences from each other and to read them accurately, it is essential to learn about these vowels, their usage, and how to pronounce the words with the vowel as all the text in the Quran is with these vowing signs. So if you don't know about these vowing signs, you will not be able to read the Quran. There are Eight vowels in the Arabic language; each of them has its own pronunciation and articulation. So there are separate lessons and exercises on each vowel in Noorani Qaida to make the grip of the learner firm on such an important element of the Arabic language. After the individual lessons and exercises on each vowel, there are exercises with jumbled up words with different levels to test the intelligence and check the students' learning outcome.

Understand Text and Words

Then there are lessons on reading Quranic words that have been picked up from various places in the Quran. These words are comparatively more complex than other words in the practice exercises. The purpose of including these words in Noorani Qaida is to make the learner familiar with Quranic text.

Reading Quran is one of the first steps in learning the Quran. Different people take different time durations to learn to read Quran. it depends on the age, I.Q. and level of interest of the person in learning the Quran. According to research, a child from an age group of five to eight years with an average I.Q level could be able to learn Quran reading in three years. A child from an age group of 10-13 years with an average I.Q level can learn to read Quran in One and a half or two years. Similarly, an adult can be able to read Quran in one or less than one year, depending on the level of interest and the time he/she is giving to learn the Quran.

Arslan Haider
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