A variety of hair transplant methods Hair transplantation can be done in different ways as follows. FUT method: This method is the oldest method in hair transplant surgery. In this method, the patient is anesthetized and a part of the skin on the back of the head that had hair is transplanted to the bald part of the front of the head, which is obsolete today due to complications such as pain and bleeding. FIT method: In this method of hair transplantation, strands of hair from the back of the head are grafted to the bald part of the front of the head.
However, this method is not used today due to bleeding, postoperative recovery period, the need to repeat sessions, and so on. BHT method: This method is similar to the FIT method, with the difference that for transplanting hair from other parts of the body, hair can be transplanted to the affected area. But this method is also obsolete today due to its side effects like the FIT method. SUT method: This method is one of the newest and best hair transplant methods that has the least complications and is performed in most hair transplant clinics.
This procedure is performed without bleeding and anesthesia and the hair is removed for transplantation with an automatic device. With this method, 14,000 hairs can be implanted in the area with hair loss. Surgical method: In the surgical procedure, the specialist removes a 6 to 10-inch strip from the individual’s hair bank, mostly behind the patient’s head, which contains healthy follicles, and this strip, or flap, is given to the cut team to separate the hair follicle units.
Separate the follicles by microscopes and prepare for the implantation process; This type of hair graft removal from the hair bank is known as FUT. Removing the flap from the hair bank is a specialized job and should be done by a qualified and experienced doctor. In the large complex of Tehran Beauty Center, surgical flap resection is performed with plastic surgery technique, which is called Trichophytic Closure Technique scarlesse, which has the main advantage over FUT method of flap removal from the hair bank without leaving any surgical scar.
Non-surgical method: In this method, there is no more surgery and flap removal, and hair follicles separately using manual punches (FIT) or automatic micromotors (hair transplantation by SUT method) or other similar devices such as Neo Graft and Safer from the bank Hair is removed. To begin, the doctor will first clean the head and then inject the anesthetic into the area; It then removes the hair follicles by punches introduced for each method as hair follicular units.
Finally, the follicular units removed from the hair bank in their special preservative are provided to the implant specialist to perform the implantation process, which is also done with two techniques. In FIT, FUT, SUT and روش methods, a razor blade is used to make millimeter incisions and place hair follicles with special forceps at the bald spot. In another method, which is the latest natural hair transplant technique, an implant device is used, which is called DHI hair transplantation.
Combination hair transplantation: Whenever the baldness is so great that the need for more hair grafts is felt, two surgical and non-surgical methods are used to remove the hair graft from the individual bank, which is called a combined method. Features of DHI hair transplantation: • 4 times higher density than other methods up to 50 thousand hairs • No surgery and no surgical scar left • Use of implants and direct and single-stage implantation of grafts • Withdrawal of the highest graft rate from the hair bank of more than 10 thousand grafts • Completely natural growth with high delicacy due to planting in micro size • Hair line implantation with single hair graft technique to increase the natural state of hair transplantation many times over
Number of sessions and duration for hair transplantation: The number of sessions as well as the duration of hair transplantation can vary in different people that factors such as the number of transferable follicles and the method of choice for hair transplantation can play a major role in determining these two factors. But normally, this operation is done completely in one session. Due to the fact that in FIT hair transplantation and BHT hair transplantation, it is necessary to remove the grafts from the donor site in the form of grains, this method requires more time to perform.
Recovery period after hair transplantation: Hair transplants do not have a long recovery period, but it is necessary to refrain from strenuous physical activity such as exercise for about a month after the implant. In general, after hair transplantation, any activity that causes excessive sweating or increases blood pressure should be limited. However, it should be noted that the duration of this recovery period can vary in different people and depends on the type of implant and the amount of transfer follicles in each person, but usually after 3 to 7 days, the person can return to normal life.
How to sleep after hair transplant: After hair transplantation, it is necessary for a person to sleep at a 45-degree angle for a week and not rest his head on a pillow for at least two nights. The best solution after hair transplantation is to use resting chairs, because these chairs Positions the body so that no pressure is applied to the head. It should be noted that more rest after hair transplantation can help you recover faster after hair transplantation.
Paying attention to proper sleep can reduce the swelling caused by hair transplants. Use a hat after hair transplant: Wearing a hat can protect the planted area from direct sunlight as well as wind or rain. From the third day, the use of hats is allowed. Wear a hat for only about eight hours each day. The hat should be cotton, loose and lint-free. Hair washing after hair transplantation: Washing after hair transplantation should be done with a cloud and shampoo for hair transplantation. The Permanent Manifestation Clinic is one of the few specialized skin and hair clinics that, after opening the dressing, washes the implanted area on the head and teaches this work to people, in order to perform the washing correctly and not to damage the implanted hair.
Give. What to expect from a hair transplant? The main goal of people who go to hair transplantation is natural hair regrowth, since in hair transplantation, hair removal is done from a part of the head or body, after the growth of the witness, the most natural possible state of hair growth. We will be, but the density of implanted hair will never reach the level of God-given hair. Stages of hair growth after transplantation: About two weeks after the hair transplant, the initial hair loss begins, which lasts for about 2 months. About 3 months later, the implanted hairs begin to grow sparsely, and after 6 to 12 months we will see the density and the final result. Does implanted hair fall out? It should be noted that the roots of the implanted hairs do not have a testosterone receptor (androgenic) because they were removed from the donor area. For this reason, after the transfer, they are very resistant to testosterone (which causes hair loss) and do not suffer from hair loss.
Age of hair transplant surgery applicants: In the practice of hair transplantation, the age of the applicants is very important. It is better not to do this operation for people under 25 years old and this operation should be done at older ages. In fact, these people are not suitable for hair transplants. Important points before hair transplant surgery: In hair transplant surgery, like other surgeries, you should follow the tips before the operation to get the best results from hair transplant.
These points are as follows. Avoid taking E vitamins, supplements, and aspirin tablets for two weeks before surgery because they thin the blood. Avoid alcohol for two weeks before surgery and try to drink less tea. Avoid slimming diets two weeks before surgery that delay recovery after surgery. You can resume your diet two weeks after the operation. Avoid strenuous exercise for a week before surgery.
Quit smoking one week before surgery. A few days before the operation, try to sleep at night without stress and comfort. Do not take ibuprofen and naproxen the day before surgery. Eat plenty of protein, carbohydrates and sugar the night before a meal. For this purpose, you can use fried or baked potatoes and eat ice cream after dinner. On the day of surgery, wear clothes that fit snugly.
Complications after hair transplantation: Some people may have no side effects after surgery and others may have the following side effects. Swelling after surgery: One of the most common complications after hair transplantation.
This complication disappears after a short time. Inflammation of the hair follicles: This complication, which occurs in 29% of patients after surgery, appears as a sore or pimple in the area of hair transplantation. Itching: Due to the gaps that occur in the transplanted parts of the hair, the person may feel itching in that area. If there is itching, you should not steam that part because it will cause sores.
Try to wash your hair daily with a special shampoo. Anesthesia: This is normal anesthesia and will improve a few weeks after the operation. Hiccups: A small percentage of people develop post-operative hiccups that improve with steroid medication. Cysts: These cysts are usually purple in color and disappear 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Of course, keep in mind that these side effects are completely natural and will improve after a while.
The longer the hair stays out of the body, the less likely it is that the hair transplant will be successful, which will prevent the transplanted hair from growing back because the transplanted tissue has experienced a long time between harvesting and transplanting.
It has lost its quality. So, the shorter the time between hair removal (graft) and transplantation, the higher the quality of the transplanted hair and the more successful the hair transplant will be and the person will receive a better result from the hair transplant. In the case of FUT surgery for hair removal or grafting from a person’s hair bank, immediately after the removal of the tape (flap) from the back of the head, the process of separating the hair from the removed tape has begun.
And these hairs are delivered to the implanted team after classification and separation, and the implantation process begins. It is worth noting that the implant team does not have to wait for the hair removal (grafts) to be completed and then start implanting. In this method, the length of time the tissue stays out of the body is less than its useful life. However, in the FIT harvesting method, the implantation team has to wait until the graft harvesting stage is completely completed and then proceed to implant the removed grafts.
This increases the amount of time the tissue is out of the body, and as a result, the quality of the implanted hair decreases and eventually not all of the implanted hair grows back. Conclusion: Comparing the FUT and FIT methods, we find that the quality as well as the number of grafts that can be removed in surgical methods such as FUT. Is hair transplantation an effective method? Hair transplantation is considered as one of the most effective methods of baldness treatment.
Because during surgery, hair follicles are moved from one part of the head to another. Therefore, this method of treatment is used not only for hair transplantation but also for eyebrow transplantation. However, performing this surgery is not fruitful for everyone, and the result largely depends on the surgery that is responsible for performing this cosmetic operation. Therefore, it is best to consult a specialist before deciding to have definitive surgery.
Suitable candidate for hair transplant surgery As mentioned, this surgery is not recommended for everyone. In general, natural hair transplant surgery is recommended for people who have baldness or thinning hair for some hereditary reasons. Therefore, this surgery is not recommended for those who suffer from hair loss and thinning for other reasons, such as nutrient deficiency. Is the result of natural hair transplant permanent? Yes! One of the main advantages of this method is that the result is permanent, provided it is properly cared for after surgery. The reason for the permanence of the result is also related to the method of doing it.
Because transplanted follicles are not affected by dihydrotestosterone (DHD), the hormone that causes hair loss, they do not fall out over time. What are the complications of hair transplantation? In general, natural hair transplant surgery is considered a safe procedure. However, each person responds differently to this surgery. As a result, recovery time and subsequent complications of this operation in people can be different from each other. Infection of wounds: Infection of wounds is a rare complication that can be treated with some antibiotics as well as special creams. Of course, keep in mind that if you are careful in choosing the clinic where this surgery is performed, the risk of infection is greatly reduced. This is because this side effect is usually caused by poor hygiene during surgery. Bleeding and swelling Due to the fact that this surgery is considered as one of the invasive operations, bleeding and swelling are one of its next complications. Exacerbation of this complication is exacerbated when the person has not stopped consuming alcohol and nicotine before surgery.
Itching Itching is a common occurrence after natural hair transplant surgery that indicates a healing process. However, if the amount of itching on the scalp reaches its maximum, itching of the scalp should be avoided. Sudden hair loss Sudden hair loss occurs 1 to 5 weeks after surgery and usually worries and upsets people. While this is normal, after 3 to 4 months, the transplanted hair will grow. How long is the recovery period after hair transplant surgery? After surgery, given that the scalp is sore and damaged, you should have 1 week of complete rest and then resume daily activities. In addition, in order to prevent infection at the site of the wound, it may be necessary to bandage the head and use antibiotics for a certain period of time.
Pre-hair care One week before surgery, you should stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, vitamin B or E, blood thinners and herbal medicines. • If you have white or light hair, use dark colors to highlight the hair strands. Take a bath and shampoo your hair on the day of surgery. Depending on the procedure, cut your hair short if necessary. Care after natural hair transplant surgery Due to the high sensitivity of the implants, you should be very careful for 2 weeks after surgery. • Reduce the amount of exercise you do until your wounds heal. After 2 to 5 days, the bandage is usually removed. But you should not touch the links. Day 6: You can gently wash your hair by hand. • After 10 to 14 days, the stitches will be removable. • After a few weeks, the damaged grafts fall off to grow again. After 6 months, new hair usually appears.
Is mesotherapy necessary after hair transplantation? Mesotherapy is a method in which special needles, drugs and nutrients are injected to enhance the growth of implanted hair on the head. Doctors usually recommend 1–2 sessions of hair mesotherapy for everyone who has a hair transplant, but if the person’s hair is very weak, the doctor may prescribe more sessions. To read the rest of the article, refer to the website of Dr. Pakdel Clinic.
Source link: Drpakdelclinic