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Mahindra Potato Planter - Best Implement For Potato Farming

Aman Khandelwal
Mahindra Potato Planter - Best Implement For Potato Farming

The Mahindra Potato Planter assures a high level of singulation which means only a potato is planted at one place and there is no doubling. It ensures the potatoes are planted accurately by the planter and also ensures about its adequate depth and uniform seeds distance. Mahindra potato planter works productively in farms for perfect farming. 

Mahindra Potato Planter - Technical Specifications 

Mahindra potato planter is one of the best implementations which perform potato planting efficiently. It is a versatile and excellent implement which is the leading choice of Indian farmers. Mahindra potato planter provides ultimate performance and long life expectancy with quality equipments. The potato planter is suitable for planting of potatoes and uniformly growing the seeds and  making rows.

Following are the technical specifications of Mahindra potato planter :- 


  • This potato planter comes in Precision Planter Category with 35-65 HP Implement Power which provides fuel efficient work.


  • Mahindra potato planter connected by Lifted (CAT II) tractor connection.


  • Its Hopper I type is fixed with upto 500kg Hopper I capacity.


  • It comes with 130 litre fertilizer capacity with mechanical drive.


  • Planter’s total Machine Weight (loaded) is 1624 kg with 1000 kg Kerb Weight of Machine.


  • Mahindra potato planters have a row distance around 61 cm,66 cm, 71 cm and76 cm.

Mahindra potato planter’s price is very appropriate for every farmer or customer to buy. You can get its price from Tractor Junction. To get updated or further information about mahindra potato planter, keep in touch with Tractor Junction.

Aman Khandelwal
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