“Mrityunjaya” is the another name of Lord shiv.Literal meaning of “Mrityunjaya” is the ”conqueror of death”.This homam is performed to get over success of Mrityu – Which means death.This homam is dedicated to lord shiva.The another name of this homam is Maha Sanjeevani Homa
This astonishing homam is very famous in vedic tradition helps in increasing longevity of the person and for ensuring long and healthy life.This homa/yagna can be performed by the person who undergone severe medical problems, physical and emotional disturbances,suffering due to any terminal diseases and fighting against death.Conducting the Mrityunjaya homam leads to various goodness for a person.
The auspicious day to perform “maha Mrityunjaya homam” is on the birthday of the person or janma nakshatra day of the person who is suffering from prolonged illness.The most important offerings in the pooja are amrita and durva grass. Durva grass is the popular for purifying blood and herb amrita is the medicine for incurable diseases.
On this homam one chants Maha Mrityunjaya mantra which is prominent mantra for removing the untimely death.Maha Mrityunjaya mantra was given to Markandeya.Markandeya is extreme devotee of Lord shiva, who made severe thava and got blessed with Maha Mrityunjaya mantra which is mantra for immortality.
Due to this prevailing effect of the mantra, positive divine vibrations are produced, which destroys the evil & negative forces and protect us from the misfortune.In Vedas and puranas, Maha Mrityunjaya homam is believed to be have the power of getting back the person who are near to the death.
Benefits of Maha Mrityunjaya Homam:-
- Saves from the premature death/unnatural death due to various causes and
- To overcome the fear of death, bad spirits and death due to accidents.It reduces the adverse effects of navagrahas and helps to get rid of karmic doshas.
- Very effective for the people who kalasarpa dosham in their horoscope.
- Protects from untreatable diseases and physical ailments.
- Liberate from the dangers and malicious spirits
- Enhances the life span of the person and gives long and healthy life.