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Preparation Strategy and Tips for SSC CGL 2021 Exam

Preparation Strategy and Tips for SSC CGL 2021 Exam

The SSC CGL exam is conducted every year with the aim of recruiting candidates for various posts under the departments and ministries of the Indian Government. The level of SSC CGL is quite tough as lakhs of candidates appear for this exam each year. Along with that, the vast syllabus of SSC CGL makes it difficult for aspirants to crack this exam with ease. The SSC CGL exam 2021 is just around the corner so aspirants must ensure that they start their preparation with full force.

However, we know that clearing the SSC CGL exam is no joyride. Many aspirants give their best shot to crack this exam on the first attempt still lacks somewhere in their exam preparation. Many of them are often confused and adopt the wrong preparation approach and guidance for this exam. Aspirants must know that proceeding with the exam preparation with no prior planning and strategy can lead to failure.

So, in this article, we will provide some preparation tips to SSC CGL aspirants to ace their exams easily.

SSC CGL Preparation Strategy & Tips

  1.     Be thorough with SSC CGL Syllabus & Exam Pattern

This is the most important SSC CGL preparation strategy that you must follow. Your first step before starting your preparation should be to read your entire syllabus and exam pattern. This will be helpful for you to understand your entire examination and its various aspects such as the marking scheme, important topics, duration of the exam and so on. Always keep a copy of the exam syllabus and paper pattern with you to avoid any confusion regarding the examination.

  1.   Paper-wise SSC CGL Preparation Strategy

Aspirants must know that the SSC CGL exam consists of four major tiers i.e. Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4. Among these, Tier 1 & 2 is a computer-based objective examination, Tier 3 is a descriptive examination, Tier 4 consists of Data Entry Skill Test and Computer Efficiency Test for certain posts. Aspirants must prepare for each of these tiers separately.

Let us take a look at the paper-wise preparation strategy below

  •  Quantitative Aptitude

This section is the most important section in the SSC CGL exam 2021 which will evaluate a candidate’s knowledge in mathematics.

So, you must practice solving mathematical problems daily. You must be quick enough to solve each problem in a stipulated time so to achieve this you need good practice.

Dedicate enough amount of time to problem-solving daily and practice time management. Make a separate formula sheet as that will be easier for you to revise and refer to until the day of the examination.


  • English Language & Comprehension


This section evaluates a candidate’s proficiency in English. So, aspirants should improve their grammar and vocabulary skills to ace this section. Read newspapers, magazines, articles, Thesaurus, etc every day.


  • General Intelligence & Reasoning


Your SSC CGL Preparation strategy for General Intelligence & Reasoning must be top-notch as this section is tricky. Here, a candidate’s problem-solving and analytical skills will be evaluated.

To prepare for this section, one must practice solving a good set of verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions daily.

  •   General Awareness & General Knowledge

This section focuses on static GK and current affairs. Be well aware of certain happenings in and around the world for current affairs whereas for static GK prepare for history, geography, Polity, Economy and Environment thoroughly.

  1. 3.   Make Separate Notes 

This is the most important tip that you must keep in mind while preparing for your SSC CGL exam. Be it a formula sheet for mathematics or a list of events for the History paper, you must make separate notes for each subject. Keep these notes in handy as that will be useful for you to revise at the last moment. Handwritten notes will help you to understand the topics thoroughly and revise them on the day of your exam.

  1.   Refer to Previous Year’s Question papers

For your SSC CGL exam 2021, candidates must refer to the previous year’s question papers to identify the important topics. It is important to analyze these papers as it will help you to prepare for your exam easily. Note down the important questions that are frequently asked in your SSC papers and give special attention to those questions.

  1.   Solve Mock Tests

Solving mock tests daily will ensure that you are on the right track with your preparation. Aspirants must solve these mock tests to identify their strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject and improve accordingly. One can find many mock tests online which they can use to prepare for their SSC CGL exam 2021 easily.

  1.   Refer to Relevant Reference Books

Reference books are the main pillars that help you prepare for your exam smoothly. You must refer to the correct reference books to boost your preparation. Studying from the wrong books can break your dream of clearing the SSC CGL exam as you may end up wasting your precious time that should be dedicated to your exam preparation. So it is crucial that you study from the right sources and reference materials.

  1.   Revise Daily

The last and the most crucial tip to ace your SSC CGL preparation strategy is to revise daily. Revision is very necessary as the syllabus of the SSC CGL exam is quite vast and chances are that you might forget whatever you learn every day. So aspirants must dedicate at least an hour or two for revision while studying for their SSC CGL exam daily.

To conclude, the SSC CGL exam 2021 will take place soon. Hence, it is necessary to pull up your socks and get ready to ace this exam with full preparation. We have mentioned the complete preparation strategy for your SSC CGL exam above. Aspirants must follow these tips along with dedication, hard work and focus to excel in their upcoming SSC CGL exam. All the best to all the SCC CGL aspirants!

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