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An Education Platform for the Next Generation | Kapdec

An Education Platform for the Next Generation | Kapdec

Math is one of the subjects that most kids fear. The practical problems, questions, unending number of equations, formulas, etc seem to look hefty to kids when they look at the math. On the other hand, we can also see some students who love to study, learn and solve math problems. They find it exciting and engaging instead of challenging and horrifying.


So, where exactly does the problem lie? The perspective of different students about every subject is different. Also, the way they perceive what is taught has a significant impact on their impression of the subject. However, all of this is influenced by the method of teaching and how they learn that particular subject.


Adapting to the new way of learning


Let’s take the example of literature. Suppose there's a story that needs to be studied by the students. It can be read aloud to them, or it can be adapted into a video, and students can be made to watch it. Which one do you think will make the most impact?


Similarly, the pedagogy for various subjects needs to be reformed from time to time to the subject understandable by the students with varied interests. Kapdec understands this system of education that adapts technology to utilize its full potential to generate a better understanding of the subject among students.


Kapdec online math learning


We are focussed explicitly on ‘mathematics’. Drafting a unique strategy for the ease of understanding of the students, our expert teachers have formulated curriculum-aligned content explaining each mathematical concept. The maths syllabus, question banks, courses, assignments, and tutorials at Kapdec math e-learning platform are not unique but highly effective.


We have our team of subject matter experts for mathematics in the US and India. This team consists of highly skilled, experienced, education researchers, and teachers who dedicatedly craft new strategies for teaching mathematics effectively.


The Kapdec ‘e-learning’ academy has unbeatable content for math Grade 5, NCERT 6TH standard maths Syllabus , math grade 6, 6th standard maths, 6th class maths , 5th standard maths , math grade 7, math grade 8, math grade 9, and math grade 10. NCERT 6TH standard maths Syllabus The course content can be chosen for the US – “math standard core curriculum” and India – “CBSE math curriculum”.


NCERT Solutions


NCERT solutions for class 5 maths

NCERT solutions for class 6 maths

NCERT solutions for class 7 maths

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths

NCERT solutions for class 9 maths


Math e-learning for US and India


The Kapdec deals with the mathematic study for students in the US and students in India. Our infinite question banks ensure that students have access to endless math quizzes for brainstorming and practicing. Working on this philosophy of Math made accessible and understandable for all, we have many resources that help students boost their mental ability to perform mathematical calculations.


Kapdec, a math e-learning platform, has chapter-wise resources for math grade 5 to math grade 10. Online education and online math learning have become common in today's time. Students in the contemporary world prefer to clear their concepts via online learning resources. The audio-visual teachings have also been proven to generate more productive results from students and also aids the problem of slow-learning. Kapdec has kept this philosophy in mind and has crafted a unique way of “teaching math online!


Kapdec smart classrooms - a technologically advanced classroom!


However, our e-learning experience does not end at “math” alone, with our very efficient feature of ‘Smart Classrooms’, teachers, and students in schools, colleges or institutes can collaborate online in a “virtual classroom” environment. The smart classroom by Kapdec is available in India and the US.


With this feature, teachers or educators can add students in their various classes, choose the subject for the class, and create a virtual classroom. Once this is done, they can assign the study material, quizzes, tests, and assignments to students. The doubt-clearing is also facilitated with each task.


Coronavirus pandemic and the e-learning


Kapdec’s smart classroom enables students and teachers to coordinate for better and continuous learning from anywhere. During the current times of the global CoVID-19 pandemic, the regular schools and colleges have hit a halt. Therefore, there seems to be a larger yet invisible void between students and teachers, which de-accelerates students' academic growth.


The smart classrooms offered by Kapdec is an excellent way to overcome this challenge. With a secure portal and seamless features to facilitate learning, tasks, activities, assignments, quizzes, and evaluation, Kapdec smart classroom portrays an epitome of modern-day virtual learning.


Making quality education more accessible!


Students and teachers can leverage the benefits of the Kapdec e-learning academy in the US and India. While students learn mathematics in a fun and effortless way, teachers get their hands-on experience on the requirements of modern-day virtual teaching.


The smart classrooms for mathematics have in store many videos explaining different concepts of the subject excitingly. The students can watch these video tutorials for a better understanding of the chapter.


Also, teachers can discuss and elaborate on these tutorials to ensure the in-depth consumption of the information. The goals of the Kapdec is to make quality education accessible to all at very affordable prices. We also understand the potential of technology to work as a catalyst in the present-day teaching environment. We aim to integrate high-quality education with advanced technology to provide an unmatchable learning experience to the students.


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