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Top 6 Study Abroad Destinations

Faisal F Darvesh
Top 6 Study Abroad Destinations

Are you looking forward to top 6 study abroad destination? If yes, you have come to the right place. As an overseas education consultancy, we have listed down a couple of countries that are offers excellent education and welcomes international students with open arms. So, without any further delay, let us have a brief look at them:

United States of America

The United States of America has strong reputations for world class education. Some of the best universities in the USA are Yale, Harvard, California State University at Los Angeles, and New York University. For many years, these universities provided the major research foundation for American and international students alike. An uncountable number of national and international students are currently pursuing their education in these institutions.

United Kingdom

The next country on our list is the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is very popular among international students. The UK’s universities offers a variety of programs including undergraduate and graduate studies, professional education and even internship training. It is among one of the top study abroad destinations. In fact, it is also home to some of the nation's best colleges and universities. If you wish to study in the UK, feel free to reach out to us as we can make this happen for you.


The third country, which makes up our top five study abroad destinations, is Canada. Its renowned high quality of education has earned it many awards. The country is a home to numerous outstanding, prestigious and beautiful institutions. The country offers many different programs available to suit different interests for both national and international students.


Australia is another one of the top study abroad destinations. It is known for their hospitality and taking care of international students. They also offer world-class education and many people who study in Australia enjoy spending time in the country. Other things that make Australia a great study abroad destinations are its beaches and the amazing array of food that are available.



France is another top study abroad destination that offers low tuition fees and a diverse range of courses for students from any country. The country is growing as a high-tech economy and offers a wide variety of interesting experiences for students to enjoy. One of the popular things about studying in France is that it is very affordable even when you take in the hustle and bustle of the modern capital city. With a low tuition fees, France is a great destination for anyone who wants to experience a new culture or learn about a different way of life.

The Netherlands

The Netherlands is another popular destination to study abroad. It has large supply of schools that are located within easy traveling distance from the capital of the Netherlands. There are literally hundreds of colleges and universities that offer courses right in the heart of Netherlands. This provides students with a wide choice of different courses that they can take and ensures that they will be able to complete their degrees while living in the area that they are studying. As estimated, millions of international students from around the globe enrolling with universities and colleges in Netherlands

Faisal F Darvesh
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