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Seamless Steel Pipes Supplier in India | Kedia Pipes and Steel

Kedia Pipes and Steel
Seamless Steel Pipes Supplier in India | Kedia Pipes and Steel

Seamless pipes are derived from solid steel that is in sheet or bar form and is formed into a solid round shape known as “billets” which are then heated and cast over a form such as a piercing rod to create a hollow tube or shell. We now offer weldable Box and Pin Multi Start Thread Connectors, suitable to be girth welded with ERW Pipes as per Specification API 5L. Kedia Pipes and Steels is part of S. K. Kedia Group of companies that has a pan India presence in different fields like steel and pipes trading, import and export, logistics, and agro organic chemicals. Founded in 1990, Kedia Pipes and Steels has established itself firmly on the national map as a leading stockist and supplier of seamless steel pipes, ERW pipes, alloy pipes, OCTG, and GI pipes along with boiler tubes and pipe fittings.

Visit Us:- https://kediapipesandsteel.com/about/


Kedia Pipes and Steel
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