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How to Hire Laravel Developers from India?

kody Technolab
How to Hire Laravel Developers from India?

Laravel Developers: How to Hire from India?

Laravel is a web application framework that has gained immense popularity over the years. It is an open-source PHP framework that has a simple and elegant syntax. Many companies are relying on Laravel developers to create business solutions. If you are running a business, you may want to expand your team with developers who have sound knowledge of Laravel for creating web applications and have decided to look for options in India. This guide aims to help CEOs, CTOs, and founders with the process by which they can hire remote Laravel developers from India.

The Basic Understanding

The first step in hiring remote Laravel developers from India is to understand the remote hiring process. Remote hiring involves hiring the best talent from around the world without any geographical limitations. In today’s global business world, it is no longer necessary to be confined to a specific location. You can hire talented Laravel developers from anywhere in the world, and India has a wealth of talent in this field.


The next step is to prepare yourself for the hiring process and make sure you have a proper understanding of what your project demands. This will help you identify the Laravel developers that match your needs. You need to make a clear job description outlining the key skills and requirements you need from a developer, such as experience with PHP, object-oriented programming, and other relevant technologies. You can also consider the type of project you plan to work on, and your company culture as well. It is always good to check the credentials of the Laravel developers and assess their experience by taking a look at their portfolio of past work.

Search for Laravel Developers

You can use various mediums to search for Laravel developers in India. One of the most popular mediums is through job portals, where skilled developers share their profiles and professional experience. You can search for developers by posting your requirements on these job portals. LinkedIn is also a useful platform for finding suitable Laravel developers. Additionally, there are many online communities and forums where you can post about your requirements and attract suitable candidates. A word of caution - be careful while browsing through these profiles and checking references. Always ensure you double-check their credentials before making any decision.

Interview Process

Once you have shortlisted few top candidates, it's time to conduct a series of interviews. Scheduling an interview with remote candidates through video or audio calls is easy with several software available online. Getting to know the Laravel developer and assessing their skills is crucial to understand if they align with your company's project goals and objectives. It is advisable to ask technical questions related to Laravel and give relevant coding tests to assess their knowledge and expertise.

Onboarding & Communication Processes

You have finally selected a Laravel developer from India as per your requirements. Now comes the Onboarding and Communication process. You would need to provide the new team member with a company email account, access to company tools, and other resources, to start the project. You would also need to establish the best communication channels to ensure that they stay in sync with the team. You can use project management tools, video calls, Slack, or any other similar platforms for smooth communication.


Hiring Laravel developers from India is an excellent option for many companies looking for the best talent. In this globalized world, remote hiring has made it possible to work with people from all over the world. This guide provides the CEOs, CTOs, and founders with a basic understanding of the remote hiring process and helps them prepare for the same. It also provides useful insights on search processes, interviewees' selection criteria, and onboarding & communication processes.

For any further assistance on this or any other hiring process from India, you can always get in touch with our virtual assistants at any time.

kody Technolab
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