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5 Reasons You Need To Renovate Your Floors

Joel Scott
5 Reasons You Need To Renovate Your Floors

You can make a great first impression when you have durable and beautiful flooring in your home. It immediately updates the feel and the flow of your space. It sure is a big investment, but it has a huge impact. A great floor represents strength, comfort, or even a whimsy touch based on what you have opted for. Floors tell the history of your home and even what wear and tear it has been through over the years.

If your floors have been through a lot, then you may be considering weighing the pros and cons of upgrading them and getting a new floor altogether. There may be some hesitation on your part when you think about the time it may take and the messes that it creates when you get the floor replaced.

But, wait till you read the 5 vital reasons on why you should renovate your floors, compiled by the experts at home renovation company. We are sure once you are through reading you will dive right in to get your floor replaced.

Getting rid of toxins and allergies 

Your floors have seen a lot of traffic over the years. They might not be up to the mark of the current health standards. Lawsuits about the flooring material can be proof of how toxic the materials can be. Remodeling can be a great chance to create a toxin-free environment for your family.

If any member of your family is suffering from asthma or allergies, getting rid of the carpet is the first thing you should do. This way, you can find relief from dust, animal dander, and fur. Mold spores too get settled in the carpet and are impossible to remove. The best way to eliminate this problem is to replace the carpet with hard floors. You can hire tile installers to get the perfect hard flooring based on what room it is.

A lot of extensive research has been done to find out what chemicals a flooring material contains. Transitioning your floor is a great way to purify your house. Do your due diligence and find out the type of flooring that works the best for your family which is free of harmful chemicals. Avoid choosing floors that contain formaldehyde or phthalates.

They are not in good condition 

Floors take a lot of beating. Spilled water leaves the hardwood floor looking less than ideal. If there a crack in your tile, it takes a lot of time to repair it. Sometimes, it makes more sense to do a complete floor renovation than replacing one tile or refinishing wood.

If you feel you have issues with your subfloor, then renovation can be a great idea. Subfloor problems occur in almost any home. But if the floors are uneven and sunken in any of the areas, it is an indication that the subfloor is a cause. Squeaky floors or tiles can also be a sign that your subfloor is not up to the mark. Subfloors subjected to excessive moisture are more likely to be damaged. Replacing the subfloor may not be a fun project, but the after results will leave you smiling.


While your tile floor may have a few cracks on it, you may find it easier to repair it rather than a complete renovation. For other floors that may be severely damaged or stained, you must consider a complete renovation and start with a new subflooring. If the subfloor is rotted, warped, or cracked no matter what new floor you choose, it may not look good. 

Getting a new subfloor will be a great investment during the renovation process to ensure that your new flooring choice has a stable and leveled surface to install on. This new subfloor will keep your floors level and less prone to squeaks. If you concerned about your little ones or elderly slipping, installing a specialty floor that is leveled and protective can help them protect from the fall impact. Having a consistent floor throughout your house without transitions at thresholds helps in reducing the frequency of falls and tripping hazards.

Eliminate damage and odor 

Your floors must have taken a lot of beating over the years. You can only get the hardwood repaired or clean the carpet for a limited time. You may have molds on your subfloor and also squeaky floor joists. Sometimes replacing flooring can be the only way to fix this wear and tear. Also, pet odors seep into the floors and the carpet pads. Therefore, to freshen up your home, replacing your home is the most effective way. Home remodeling Corpus Christi is here to help you choose the best floors for every room in your home.

Once the carpet has reached the end of its life, it is nearly impossible to make it look cleaner and nicer again. The pads wear down, strands fray. You can vacuum daily or get it cleaned professionally. But, replacing it with the new carpet or hardwood floors is the only way possible to bring life back to your flooring. What lies under the floor is very important. Water damage creates a hazardous mold on your subfloor. You may also have joists that may have loosened over the years. They cause annoying squeaks. To fix these problems, renovating your floor is the best idea.  You can get the remodeling done from the professional home remodeling Corpus Christi and give your house a new and fresh look.

Increase the property value and marketability 

If you are planning to sell your house in the future, then upgrading your floors is one of the best things you can do. It adds value to your home and looks attractive to the prospective buyer. They will not have to worry about taking the project on themselves post-buying the home.  

If you have carpet in your home, we highly recommend that you switch to hard floors. We suggest getting the vinyl floor installed from expert vinyl flooring installers. They look good and last for a long time and are easy to clean. They are also much more appealing to home shoppers.

Buyers like to envision themselves and their furniture and family in your home. A clean and neutral floor will make a great first impression on the buyer. Good quality flooring gives your home a better feeling overall.

The bottom line 

Getting new floors can be a lot of fun because it is an experience you surely will not forget! No matter what type of floor you need, there is always a perfect option out there to enhance your home completely. These new floors are bound to hello your home shine and make the time you spend at home more enjoyable.

No matter what reason you have for picking out a new floor, make sure to ask the best flooring professional in Corpus Christi to help you have the best possible floors. Torres Tile, the best home renovation company is here to make the task easy for you.

For more tips on renovation ideas to warm up your house, click here.

Joel Scott
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